Ok ladies,
I am honestly in awe as to the amount of response you guys have been giving me for this story! (Hurray for Gogo fans!)
I love all your comments and I find them really, really helpful... so thank you so much!
And no... I promise that I will never, ever try to make you like Jeff Carter LOL!
Black Balloon - Goo Goo Dolls(Cover)
Jeff walked more quietly through his house than he ever had before; his feet gently padding along the lusciously, carpeted floor, moving carefully towards his bedroom.
The door was wide open, but Jeff still halted at the threshold, where carpeting met hardwood. He teetered there for a minute, pretending as he had, so many times before, that he was a panther - a sexual hunter - ready to pounce.
Of course he had stopped saying that to Evangeline because she use to laugh at him, but he was, oh, he knew it.
The blinds were up on the window, the moon casting a gently glow into the room, illuminating Evan’s shape as she slept.
Jeff smiled to himself, taking the first step into the room as he pulled his shirt over his head. Dropping it down on the floor he reached for his pants, quickly undoing them and letting them drop. Most men would probably wake their fiancé's up to see if everything was ok, after a call like the one Evangeline had give him, but not Jeff. He knew why she called, and he knew exactly what she wanted; or at least he thought so.
He kicked his feet out of them and climbed onto the bed, pulling the blankets back from the shape of his fiancé.
Evangeline stirred, more of a shiver than a waking movement, and Jeff crawled in behind her; wrapping his arms around her.
He grinned to himself when he realized she was wearing only his shirt, his hands sliding down her front, reaching the smooth skin of her thigh.
He pulled a hand back, hooking his fingers underneath the hem of his work-out shirt, he tugged it upwards, allowing himself access to the tender skin between her legs.
He pushed upwards, sliding one finger into her opening easily; pleased to find it was already slightly wet. “Dreamin about me?” He asked her sleeping form, softly, nuzzling his face into her neck.
He twirled his finger around inside of her, and Evan let out a soft moan, opening her legs slightly. “Mmm… that’s a girl…” He grinned, pushing in a second finger. He started to circle them both, gently twirling them around before he began to apply pressure.
He pushed his fingers in, knuckle deep and used a more aggressive thrust; this time, waking Evan up fully. “Oh god!” She moaned loudly, half from surprise, half from startled pleasure.
Evan was on her stomach then, shirtless. She glanced over her shoulder just in time to see Jeff pulling her legs apart as he prepared to mount her from behind.
He fell forward with a lusty growl, his unoccupied hand grabbing onto the front of her neck. He held her firmly, and pushed his hard dick inside of her, easily finding a momentum as his teeth dragged along the soft skin of her shoulder.
He pulled himself back up after a few minutes, releasing his hold on her neck and moving his hands down to her ass. He gripped it firmly, his fingers squeezing tightly, in time with each thrust he took.
Evan closed her eyes tightly and pushed her face into the pillow. She bucked her hips upward, trying to give Jeff a better angle to work with; it didn’t really help.
Sometimes, like tonight, Evan felt bad for Jeff. When he started, she could tell almost a few minutes in whether it was going to be enough for her; tonight wouldn’t be.
It wasn’t that he was horrible, or unequipped; it was just that she was use to something else, something better.
Besides Jeff, Alex was the only man she’d ever been with; and so she assumed that all the times she had made love to him, were common. Apparently that wasn’t the case.
Alex was huge. Evangeline knew that from the first time she’d tried to give him head in eleventh grade. She didn’t need to be with someone else to understand that fact. And, over years of having sex with a man that - at times - made her feel like he was about to split her in two, it was hard to for her body to readjust to a more ’average’ size.
Of course she could never tell Jeff that.
So, over time, she had become an A list actor in the ‘fake-out’ category; sometimes she was positive that she could fool anyone. Every sigh, every moan, every arch and every mumble was perfectly planned and delivered, flawless.
Evan was positive that even though she couldn’t feel a deep, earth-moving orgasm coming on, she could definitely predict an Oscar-worthy performance approaching.
Evan had left Jeff on the bed, completely naked and completely dead to the world. She now stood under the shower head, the hot liquid shooting down at her and pelting her back.
Sighing she glanced down at the seamless, shower floor; a thin line of sperm traveling down her leg, only to curl around her feet and wash away with the rest of the water.
She waited until the trail stopped, before reaching one hand down to her clit, and the other one out towards the shiny, stainless-steel, shower handle.
She grasped the small nub in her fingers and began to make small circles, working herself up, in order to finish what should have been done already.
Sighing she tilted her head back under the spray of the water, guiltily allowing her mind to run over vivid pictures and memories of the man she wasn’t suppose to be thinking about.
“Alright fuckbunny, I’m out. See you in a few days.” Jeff called over his shoulder as Evan finished dumping the rest of Jeff’s dirty breakfast dishes into the dishwasher.
“Oh just one sec! I’m almost done!” She called back, dropping a fork into a little plastic basket.
She slammed the dishwasher door closed, just as the front door slammed.
Evan took off, jogging towards the door Jeff had just left out of. “Jeff!” She yelled, throwing the door open, just as he was chucking his overnight bag in the back of Scott’s truck.
“I said ‘a second‘! Aren’t you gonna say goodbye?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared at him; Scott Hartnell laughed loudly from the driver’s seat.
“I said bye already baby! I’ll be back later… you’re fine. I left money on the counter, go buy yourself something nice.” He grinned, sliding into the SUV and slamming the door.
Buy Me A Rose - Kenny Rogers
Evan sighed and closed the door, shaking her head as she moved back into the kitchen, trying to clean up the mess one man had managed to make in less than two days.
The phone rang, causing her to jump, dropping another discarded dish she’d found. “Shit!” She yelped, carefully stepping around the shattered ceramic dish and dashing to the phone. “Hello?”
“Hey Evan!” Alex said, his cheery voice ringing over the line. “Are you busy? Can I stop by?”
Evan cleared her throat, trying to sound as happy as he did. “Yah sure… Jeff just left so… I’m just doing some cleaning-”
“-ok! Be there soon!” He yelled, causing Evan to laugh as the line went dead. She bit her lip and walked towards the garage, pushing open the heavy door and leaning around the corner until she could reach the broom and dustpan.
She tugged them from their spot on the wall, before retreating back into the kitchen.
Carefully sweeping up all the pieces, she threw the thick shards into the dustpan; just emptying the last load when the front door opened. “Evan?” Alex called, not waiting for a response as his foot steps began padding down the hallway. “Hey… flowers!” He smiled, holding is hand out in front of him to reveal a large bouquet of long-steamed Calla-lilies, her favourite.
“Alex! You didn’t have to get me flowers!” She squealed, already mentally trying to think of whether or not she had a vase big enough for them.
“Oh… I didn’t? Well, I’ll just go take them back then-” He said cheekily, causing her to giggle as she reached out, grabbing them from him. “Happy national secretary appreciation day!” He cheered, giving a mock fist thrust in the air.
“It’s national secretary appreciation day… how do you not know this…?”
“How do you know this?”
Alex shrugged, heading towards the large stainless steel fridge. He tugged the door open and bent in, looking for something to drink. “It’s right in between national talk like a pirate day, and Halloween.”
“Talk like a pirate day?” She asked sceptically, laying the flowers down on the marble island as she unwound the plastic from them. “I can’t say I’ve heard of that either… come to think of it… I don’t remember you talking like a pirate.”
“Arrrrr!” Alex exclaimed as he reappeared, clutching a can of coke in his hand. “I be the meanest pirate on the six seas!”
“Seven.” Evan corrected him, already fluffing the lilies up nice, in their new home.
“Right, seven… anyway… you didn’t hear me because I think I was in Tampa… or Dallas… there was something to do with Brad Richards being a douche, but I don’t remember what…” He trailed off, lost in thought. Evan rolled her eyes and lifted the large crystal vase off the island, carrying it into the front hallway.
She situated it on the entrance’s small table, carefully ensuring that the flowers were perfectly centered before returning back to Alex.
“So, what else is new?” Alex asked, apparently finally recovered from his zone out.
“Nothing… like I said, Jeff just left.”
“Wow, considering he’s gone all the time, you seem pretty bummed out.”
Evan leaned down on the island, on her elbows, resting her chin in her upturned hand. “No, not bummed out about him being gone just…” She sighed, shaking her head slightly as she searched for the words. The words that would make Alex understand, but not sound like she was whining or complaining. “It’s like all the romance and spontaneity is gone from our relationship. I didn’t think that was suppose to happen till after you tie the knot.” She added lightly, trying to make the heavy mood in the kitchen soften up.
“That’s not suppose to happen, ever.” Alex answered back softly, watching Evan through sad eyes. He let out a sigh of his own, wondering how he could help Evan, without helping Jeff.
It was a selfish thought, but it was what he felt; he wanted Evan to be happy, he just wished she’d be happy with someone else. Or happy in general.
She was getting married soon-ish, she was suppose to be glowing, and smiling… she was suppose to be talking about her wedding non-stop and daydreaming about every little detail.
She wasn’t like that at all.
“How many times you gonna do this shit? Rule #32: You don't commit to a relative unless you're absolutely positive they have a pulse.” Alex laughed, quoting Vince Vaughan as his character leaned in to Owen Wilson.
“Rule #16: Give me an up-to-date family tree. That was your mistake. You made me look like an idiot.” He continued, changing voices, a half-dated attempt at Wilson’s trademark drawl. “Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!” He finished, laughing louder as Vaughan made a dramatic exit.
“Ok… you realize I can’t focus on the movie when you say everything!” Evan jokingly complained, laying on the couch, her feet draped over Alex’s lap.
Alex snorted at her, his eyes never leaving the TV as Wedding Crashers continued. “You can’t focus on the movie because you’re drunk.” He countered, to which Evan could only nod.
She hadn’t planned on getting intoxicated, in fact, she hadn’t even planned on drinking; it just happened.
She was so fed up and angry at Jeff for everything that their relationship was coming too, and she just had no way to outlet that.
She could have talked to Alex about it, told him everything that was going on; from the unsatisfactory sex-life, to the fact that he didn’t know how to turn on the vacuum, but she didn’t.
Sure, they were best friends, but Alex was still her ex-boyfriend, there needed to be a line drawn somewhere. If Evan had a female friend, someone that she could talk about this stuff with, then maybe she’d find a better way to get these feelings off her chest.
For now, some Grey Goose would suffice.
“Ugh… I gotta get going, Evan. I didn’t even realize what time it was…” Alex sighed, glancing down at his watch. “I have to be at the airport in two hours…” Groaning slightly, he lifted up her legs and moved out from under them, gently setting them back down. “Should I call someone… or… are you ok here by yourself?”
“I’m drunk, I'm not a baby…” She grinned cheekily, rolling onto her side and pulling a couch pillow under her head.
“Alright, I’ll call you when we land in LA. Love you.” He smiled, reaching down to gently mess her hair.
“Love you too.” She called softly as he headed out into the hallway, tugging on his sweater.
As soon as the door closed behind Alex, Evan allowed her eyes to droop shut. She knew that she could expect a phone call once Alex landed in LA, she just wished she could expect one from Jeff, at some point, over his week long road trip.
But she wouldn’t hold her breath for that.
12 years ago
Ohh My Jesus, wow.
ReplyDeleteEvan + Alex = Perfect Couple <3
Maybe Jeff's plane will crash, wishful thinking?
My story is one of you addictions, *Squeals*! I'm updating for sure tomorrow night :D
First of all, I just want to say that I still get excited every day, six o’clock my time. My day counts down to this story. Just sayin’. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd also: yes, yay for Gogo fans!!!
Okay, now onto business....
--bahaha, sexual panther. Too bad he can’t follow through when it comes to prey though. But seriously... ready to pounce? Rofl. And why does it always have to be from behind? Honestly. There’s something to be said about doggy style... but always? There are so many implications here that I can’t even delve into without having to write a dissertation.
--If he were any other guy, that sounds like a pleasurable way to wake up. Just sayin’.
--I feel so bad for Evan. It’s bad enough that Carter’s a douche, but he’s completely inadequate. Like, if he could at least rock her world, I could understand her staying with him. But Carter has absolutely no redeeming qualities. Not only is Mr. Alex Goligoski hung like a horse, but he’s a good man and solid human being. In fact, he needs cloned. Mmmmm... that thought is going to put me out of commission for a while.
--“Sighing she tilted her head back under the spray of the water, guiltily allowing her mind to run over vivid pictures and memories of the man she wasn’t supposed to be thinking about.” *growl* That’s hot. They totally need to do it now.
--“Fuckbunny.” Seriously? Boy needs slapped. If yesterday, I thought that he was going to somehow make up for his previous douchiness, he completely erased any doubt in my mind that the man’s a full on imbecile.
--Haha. Gogo just “happened to be in the neighborhood” all the way out in Philly. What a man. I can has a Gogo?
--AND AND AND! He brought her flowers. A man that buys flowers for a lady for no other reason than he wanted to, well, that’s a good man in my book. But let’s face it, National Secretary Appreciation Day is just an excuse. She’s not his secretary, so the rule doesn’t apply to him. <3
--The whole ensuing conversation, I love. I would quote it all, but then I think Blogger would explode. It’s hilarious, and so natural. They’re so cheeky together, and it’s adorable.
--‘“That’s not supposed to happen, ever.” Alex answered back softly.’ I dare anyone to not love this man right now. My heart just blew up into a billion itty bitty pieces. For real.
Do I still need to say how much I love this story after every comment? I think it’s automatically implied by the length of said comments, but just in case you forgot... I LOVE THIS STORY. And I love you, Zigh, for imagining and writing it.
Ok... I haven't said this on purpose... cuz I REALLY hope it'll happen so I kept quiet but Zigh... EVAN NEEDS TO TOSS CARTER OUT BY THE BALLS! (if he had any, which I doubt.) and go to Alex. I love me some Alex!
ReplyDeleteHey... wait a ticker... this is your SECOND story headlining an Alex I've grown to love. (ok... I always loved this one)
ReplyDeleteI think that pretty much sums it up. :)
Bash, why is he such a dick??
ReplyDelete'Fuckbunny,' are you kidding me?!
They both want the other, why must you make this so hard for them? lol
I know why, because it's a great story, and you can't make things too simple for your characters... still... Can we get JEff out of the picture... STAT?! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm writing this even before I read the post.
The Carter picture on the side of the blog BAHAHA ohhhhh you're a funny lady : )
I love it!
Should show a little Mike Richards though, I KNOW it's against being a Pens fan, but I do like that boy!
[Now I shall read!] : )
Ohhhh Jeff Carter you're such a prick!
And Alex is so adorable, the flowers, the appreciation day, saying that the romance in a relationship should never die! ADORABLE!
First things first LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO that Carter picture on the side. I think I love you for that hahahahaha OMG tears of laughter when I saw it.
ReplyDeleteAnd then of course, who else but Carter could ruin my good mood?! 'Fuckbunny'? Really? Must he be a douche 24/7?! First he can't even please her right, then he goes around saying shit like that? Wrong on so many levels. And they way he leaves the house! "I'm out. See you in a few days." No 'love you'. No 'miss you'. What the hell is wrong with this man?
Alex is Carter's complete opposite. When he brought the flowers for Evan, my heart almost burst with adoration for that man. Their relationship couldn't be any friggin cuter! Well...it could be...if they were actually together. :P But anyway, Alex is totally my hero in this!<3
Okay tonight instead of a comment I'm asking for donations. (Not for me)
ReplyDeleteAs I'm sure most of you know the Wives Association hosted the Pens & Pins bowling event to raise money for the Make a Wish foundation. As part of that event each player autographed the bowling shirt they wore that day and those are up for auction. The auction ends in a little over 2 days and Alex's shirt has yet to be bid on. (Also Martin Skoula and John Curry) but GoGo's name is on The Cup! I'm hoping someone reads this and shows a little love to Make a Wish and Alex.
P.S. As always great update!
i found this story over the weekend, and trust me. i love it alot!
ReplyDeleteThe picture is fantastic. So, is the update of course.
ReplyDeleteIs it wrong that the fact that Jeff can't deliver makes me happy?
Also, is it wrong that I love Alex more that he says things like National Secretary Day and National Talk Like a Pirate Day or that he can quote all of Wedding Crashers?
You can literally feel the desire and tension between the two when they are together. Like how crazy they both are for each other but someone just needs to climb over the stupid Jeff wall... or knock it down, I would be totally okay with that.
Can't wait 'til they are together. (Did you catch that, I am not giving you an option! ;) hehe)
Carter is away, can Alex play?