I'm very worried that there might be a couple evenings coming up soon, that won't have an update being posted...
See, my sin is pride and my friend Consti told me that he could re-beat Fable 2 before I could so... as any red-blooded woman knows, the man, er boy, has to be put in his place!
I'm gonna try not to let my superiority-complex get in the way but... I'm already falling behind with writing!
I know that's a really horrible excuse - please don't hate me! - but I promise to keep going as fast as I can (I'm only doing 33 updates in total so the story isn't that much longer anyway... and I have a few of the later updates already completed)!
So, without further ado...
No - Shakira(With English Subs)
Evangeline had stayed up late worrying about everything. And of course, as she always did when she was worried and tired, she started to imagine the worst possible outcomes. Some of them were so random and horrible, she couldn’t even allow her mind to wander over them again, as she rolled out of bed.
She had been up till almost four, waiting for Jeff, and sometime after that, she’d fallen asleep; alone.
When she woke up this morning, she was still alone, but the other side of the bed was still warm; so she knew he’d come home at some point.
It was almost noon when she looked at the clock, and she sighed, feeling heavy and depressed. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and crossed the soft floor, moving into the hallway.
Her feet gently padded down the stairs as she came around the corner, glancing down into the living room.
Jeff was laid out on the couch, wrapped in his customary blue snuggie. The TV was on, but he wasn’t watching it. His arms were crossed behind his head and his gaze was directed at the ceiling, but his eyes were slightly glossed over.
He was far away, not thinking about the Sham-Wow commercial that was blazing to his left, he already had a bunch of those anyway. No, he was thinking about other things… like how close Evangeline had come to figuring something out, and how much he wanted to just stay home last night.
Normally he felt so distant from Evangeline, like nothing he did could ever connect with her, but he’d felt that spark again last night.
Afterwards, when he laid in the hotel bed next to Sarah, he felt nothing. That in itself wasn’t out of the ordinary, after all, he didn’t have any feelings for her on a good day. She was just a girl that would let him do anything he wanted, someone that made him feel like a man, like he was desirable and wanted.
He already knew that he was, of course he was desirable, he was Jeff fuckin’ Carter… but it was still nice sometimes.
He knew he’d been spending too much time away from Evangeline, but now it was almost like an addiction.
Sure, the sex at home was great, but it was also fun to feel the adrenaline, the rush that came when you knew you were doing something wrong.
He had cheated on every girl he’d ever dated, but Evangeline was different. When they first met, he had thrown out his little black book and stopped hooking up with random girls on the road.
It wasn’t until after they were engaged that he had started cheating on her. He met Scott’s wife at one of the random ‘Flyer family days’, when all the guys got together and took their girls and kids along.
He’d been having a conversation the day before in the locker-room, complaining about how Evangeline wasn’t into all the kinky shit that he wanted to try… Hartnell had laughed at him and told him to deal with it.
Apparently, he thought it was so funny he’d told his wife, and well, she didn’t think it was funny at all.
The first free chance she got, Sarah Hartnell had gotten close to Jeff and started purring in his ear all the dirty, nasty things he’d been wishing Evangeline would say. She started to make the promises that he’d been trying to get Evangeline to agree with; it seemed all to easy, to excuse himself from the party for a bit and sneak off with her.
Almost painfully simple to fuck her in the bathroom without getting caught.
When he’d gotten back into the kitchen, where everyone else was at Coach’s place, he’d snuck back beside Evangeline and well, no one was the wiser. He had been giddy for the next few days, knowing that he’d done something so huge, and no one had even noticed.
Anytime Evangeline would want to talk about something, his palms would get sweaty and his heart would race, but she had no idea and so it continued; the lying, the infidelity, the excitement.
Besides, it wasn’t really cheating, he was saving two relationships. Sarah and him both liked to try weird shit, weird shit that Evangeline and Scott weren’t into. They were like a creative outlet for each other… nothing more. Or at least it was that way for Jeff.
He didn’t love her and he didn’t want to be with her… he wanted his Evangeline. If Evangeline was just more open to new experiences, then he wouldn’t even have to cheat in the first place. It wasn’t that Evangeline wasn’t enough woman for him, it’s just that there were a few things he would definitely change about her if he could.
“Jeff?” She said softly, still standing on the stairs, as he tilted his head back to look up at her.
“Yah?” He asked in response, rolling onto his side so he could see her better.
She paused, unsure of what to say next now that he was focused on her. “Umm… how was your night?”
He raised his eyebrows and watched as she came down the stairs. “It was… good, I guess.” He said finally as she came into the living room and sat down on the couch by his legs.
“Who were you with?” She asked quietly, turning just enough that she could look him in the face when he answered.
Jeff didn’t say anything as his heart-rate began to increase, he shrugged his shoulders a tiny bit prompting Evan to continue. “Because you said you were going out with Mike the other night at dinner and then… you said Scott when you left so… I was just wondering where you were.”
Licking his lips Jeff’s eyes darted away from her and back to the TV, trying to buy himself sometime as he watched an infomercial flash in front of him. “I was with Richards. I already explained this to you babycakes... I just said Hartnell by habit… spending so much time with him and what not…” He trailed off, clicking his tongue nervously as she watched him.
Evan had sort of assumed the same thing, thinking that maybe it had just been a mix up; he’d just accidentally thrown out the wrong name. After all, after he'd given her the same explanation last night, she had begun to believe him. She nodded slightly, trying to ignore the look in his eyes as he spoke to her.
He tilted his head, waiting for something. An outburst or acceptance, but neither came.
Evan decided that she should just let her worries go, but she couldn’t get the horrible feeling out of her mind and body. “So if I was to call Mike right now, he’d tell me that you were with him last night?” She pressed, closing her eyes and turning to look in the other direction; her arms wrapping around her stomach tightly.
“What? Yah… call him if you want but… what?” Jeff hissed, sitting up and glaring at her. “You don’t believe me or something?”
“I didn’t say that, I just-”
“You just what? Have a guilty conscious or something? You cheat on me so you assume that I was out fucking around too? Well, sorry to disappoint you but, someone in this relationship has to be honest.” He snapped, recoiling his legs away from her and pushing himself off the couch.
Jeff wasn’t worried, not at all. In fact, he had just talked to Richards that morning and filled in an alibi with him, if Evangeline did call, she’d never have a clue anything was going on. “Come on, let’s go call him.”
“Jeff I didn’t actually mean that I didn’t believe you! It was just a question…”
“No. You’re gonna come down here and accuse me of something like that, let’s go.” He grabbed onto her arm, hard, pulling her forcefully to her feet, as he tried to move her towards the kitchen.
“Let go!” She yelled, pushing him away from her and storming towards the stairs.
Really weird change in dynamics, but I needed comedy and this song reminds me of Carter…
If You’re Gonna Be Dumb - Roger Al Wade
She managed to knock him back down onto the couch, but Jeff wasn’t giving up that easily. Jeff pushed himself back up, pulling his snuggie around him tightly as he moved towards the stairs. “Evangeline! Don’t walk away from me! I’m trying to have a conversation with you… isn’t that what you chicks want?! Conversation!?”
She rolled her eyes and stomped up the stairs, Jeff following close behind.
Evan turned around and saw Jeff coming, so she took off faster, taking the small turn and running down the hall.
Jeff’s snuggie tangled around his feet as he tried to speed up and he tripped, flipping backwards and sliding down the stairs. “Fucking snuggies!” He screamed, ripping the blue fabric off himself. “Who makes these things so god damn long?! Evangeline! Your snuggie tripped me!”
Evan was torn between wanting to laugh at the sound of Jeff falling down the stairs, and wanting to cry with anger. She counted it all off to emotional exhaustion, not slowing down until she was safely in their room; the door securely locked behind her.
She took a deep breath, her eyes shut tightly as her back pressed against the door. She felt her feet giving out and she allowed herself to slid down onto the floor, pulling her knees up to her chest and burying her face into them.
Letting out a long, deep sigh, Evan slowly shook her head as she heard Jeff stomping down the hall towards her.
He slammed his hand on the door, the vibration sending a quiver through the wood, tingling in her back. “Evangeline! Open the fucking door!” He yelled loudly, knowing full well, that she was situated on the other side. “Evangeline… come on!”
“No!” She yelled back, her voice shaking as her tears finally overflowed her lids, splashing down onto her cheeks.
Jeff sighed, tilting his head backwards in order to calm himself. When he knocked on the door again he was more composed. “Babylove, are you crying?”
“No… go away!” Evan sobbed, unable to stop herself.
Jeff rolled his eyes and sat down on the floor, leaning against the door. “Evangeline… I’m sorry… it’s just, how am I suppose to prove to you that I’m not doing anything wrong if you won’t let me?”
“It’s not that!” She complained, shaking her head, her voice muffled through the door. “You can’t just forgive me something and then keep throwing it back in my face…”
“I know cupcake, I didn’t mean to do that… I just got mad… come on baby! Let me in.” He pleaded, reaching up to turn, fruitlessly, on the handle.
Evan glanced up at the gold-tinted doorknob and whipped away her tears, before reaching out for it.
Jeff heard the door click and he reached up, pushing it open. Evan had moved far enough away from the door, that Jeff could crawl in.
He moved to where she was, not bother to get up as he reached her, sliding his arms around her and pulling her against him.
Evan allowed him to manoeuvre her body until she was nestled into him, and she relaxed, closing her eyes and pressing her face into his chest.
“Now, I’m gonna have to leave soon to catch the bus, but, will you please come talk to Mike first?” He cooed softly, running his fingers through her blond hair and gently massaging her scalp.
“It’s ok, I don’t need to… I believe you.” Evan said quietly, glancing up at him as he pressed his lips to her forehead.
“I don’t want to go away if you have any doubts though… please?” He asked, his lips still pressed against her smooth skin. “I won’t be angry, I promise.”
Reluctantly, Evan allowed Jeff to get up and pull her to her feet, he took her hand and moved her towards the hallway.
They descended the stairs together, Jeff, stopping only to grab his snuggie off the bottom step.
Donning it once again, Evan rolled her eyes as he continued towards the kitchen. Jeff grabbed the phone off the wall and punched in his team-mates number, before handing the phone off the Evan.
She gave him a sad, slightly annoyed look, before taking the phone from him. “Hey man, what’s up?” Mike asked, recognizing Jeff’s number on his caller ID.
“Hey Mike, sorry, it’s Evangeline.”
“Oh hey, to what do I owe this pleasure?” He quipped, causing Evan to bit her lip as Jeff flopped down onto one of he kitchen chairs.
“Actually, umm… I was just wondering… how your night was last night…”
Mike paused, trying to sound nonchalant. “It was ok… it’d be better if your fiancé would learn how to play Xbox. Seriously Evangeline, be happy he’s a lot better at hockey in real life, than he is at NHL ’09.”
Evan laughed uncomfortably, feeling completely foolish as she listen to Mike describe their night. How could she have ever doubted Jeff? Was he right, was it just her guilty mind making her think horrible things?
She glanced over at her soon-to-be husband, as he fiddled with a lose strand on his snuggie, wishing that she’d kept any bad thoughts to herself. Jeff deserved better than her accusations.
She talked to Mike for a few more minutes, before hanging up the phone and moving over to the table. “I’m sorry.” She said quietly as she sat down on his lap.
“No worries cookie-lips, hey… you want a quicky before I head?” He asked, grinning cheekily as he wagged his eyebrows at her.
Rolling her eyes Evan sighed and got up. “It’s always sex with you… and no… you have to leave in like five minutes.” Jeff shrugged, indicating that that time wouldn’t be a problem, but Evan shook her head.
Firstly, she wasn’t in the mood after the events of this morning, and secondly, she just couldn’t take him seriously in that damn snuggie.
12 years ago
haha...the fact that the snuggie beat Carter makes me laugh and made my day...
ReplyDeletegreat great update...
Must be smarter than a piece of material there Jeffie... HA!
ReplyDeleteOnly 33 chapters? Whatever will we do when there's nothing left? :)
A lovely lil update for the day, and enough to tide me over until the next one. Something good (as in good for Evan and Goose) has to happen soon, correct? I'm right, right? Please let me be right*
Oh, Jeff. Never before has someone from Philadelphia ever made me feel so confused and *almost* made me like them.
ReplyDeleteI guess that's Zigh's doing, though. :)
I’m just gonna start out by saying that I’m sad to know that this story is over halfway done with. Booooooo! Gogo should last forever!
ReplyDeleteNow that that’s out of my system, moving on...
Of course Carter would own a Snuggie AND multiple Sham-Wows. I’m not surprised.
Okay, I’m... I don’t know what I am. I mean, I feel bad for Evan because she’s worried about her relationship with Carter. For whatever reason, she loves him, so I do feel bad for her that Carter’s putting her through this.
And then Carter... he’s throwing me for a loop. Like, I almost feel sympathetic toward him now because he was feeling a bit of remorse and longing to be with Evan. His rationale is shaky, even though it makes sense in his head. Until... “It wasn’t that Evangeline wasn’t enough woman for him, it’s just that there were a few things he would definitely change about her if he could.” At this point, you’ve gotta realize that this is not the person for you. If you could change something about her, if you could, she’s not for you, Carter. Dumbass.
The whole argument... it was raw. I really felt like I was witnessing something that I shouldn’t have been. Like I was peeking in their window to witness this really painful, emotional moment. I was on pins and needles the whole time, thinking that this could go in a million different directions.
I hate that Carter so blatantly lied like that. I mean, I hate him for cheating, but it was different when he said, “I’m going to Hartnell’s” and then he went to see Mrs. Hartnell.... Now that he’s creating alibis and yelling for Evan to call Richards.... I don’t know, it just REALLY bothers me. The lengths he’s going to, especially after that moment when he was saying how he connected with Evan and didn’t want to leave the previous night. Like, what a fucking douche. I call him that a lot, but I’ve never really meant it so strongly before.
When he grabbed her, I was about thisclose to screaming at my computer. I was waiting for something bad to happen—and when I say ‘bad,’ I mean worse than what was already happening. And then when he chased her... oh, it just gave me such tingles. [Side note: EPIC SNUGGIE TRIP BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!] Then pounding on the door and yelling. Seriously, I felt like I was an intruder. This was crazy good writing here, Zigh.
And I’m incredibly embarrassed of myself to say this, but my hated for Carter melted a bit when he called Evan “babylove.” I don’t know why; it’s inexplicable. But... wow. Major props to you there.
“...how am I suppose to prove to you that I’m not doing anything wrong if you won’t let me?” BAM! And see, that’s the thing. He doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong. I mean, he knows it’s not right, but he doesn’t think it’s wrong. Bahh. Stupid douche.
If I didn’t know that Carter was cheating, their moment together in the bedroom would have been really sweet. But he IS cheating, and he’s proactively lying and deceiving her about it, and I hope that when she finds out, she cuts his dick off and throws it down the garbage disposal.
“Jeff deserved better than her accusations.” They aren’t accusations. I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough.
Soo, so good. Fantastic. Epic. I’ve run out of adjectives. But I loved it all the same, and I’m in dire suspense until I find out what happens next!
wow. a full grown man was shown up by a piece of fleece... hahahah i love it.
ReplyDeleteughh Carter make up your damn mind!! Either be a jerk or be a sweetie, just choose please!!! And although I missed my pittsburgh boys this was a very good update(:
ReplyDeleteOHHHH the Snuggie strikes!
ReplyDeleteI laughed so much when he fell down the stairs, like I COULD JUST SEE IT!
I can't believe he forced her into calling Richards. AND I actually like Richards. I don't like the Carter Supporter in this story. Not at all.
And I can't believe she BELIEVED HIM.
Great update.
Can't wait for more!
Ew, ew, ew...could he be any nastier, and I am glad the snuggie caused his downfall so to speak...what a jacko! On a lighter note, more soon please!
ReplyDeleteLMFAO Zigh. I think I love you. The mental image of Jeff Carter trying to be badass in his little blue snuggie is enough to keep me laughing for the next decade. I fucking hate that man, but I LOVE that he owns, and wears, a snuggie. Completes my life. OH! And the snuggie trip. Yeah. Kinda epic.
ReplyDeleteUghh damn Carter! Zigh, you really need to stop this. And by "this" I mean making me second guess my burning hatred. No, no, no, no. I hate him. I have to. But I kinda sorta felt a twinge of good feeling toward him when he was saying that he really wanted to be with Evan. But if that were true then he wouldn't be fucking cheating! UGH! He can't be "sweet" one day and an asshole the next. It confuses me too much!
But not to fear. I still hate him and his douchey-ness. Here's hoping that little bit of good feeling never resurfaces ever again :P
Annnnyway! Loved this update.<3