It’s Not Over - Secondhand Serenade
When Alex woke up the next morning, he was alone. He propped himself up on his elbows and glanced around the unfamiliar room, the memories of the night before, filtering through his head like the flashes of 16mm film; choppy, disoriented, and unfocused.
He fell back down, running his hands over his face as he tried to remember what the last thing he’d said to Evan was, or the last thing he remembered her hearing…
But then he realized, they hadn’t really said anything last night at all. There had been no promises or I love you’s, no meaningful words or sentimental prose; only actions…
No, that couldn’t be entirely true, not when those actions had led to a connection that went beyond anything Alex could ever express out loud.
He wanted to feel ok about what happened, wanted to believe that one night could change everything, but he knew that wasn’t possible.
Throwing the blankets away from his naked body, he sat up and pushed himself off the bed. He headed into the bathroom and grabbed his clothes off the floor, not caring that they were wrinkled and dirty, as he pulled them on.
When Alex got to the hallway, he could hear the familiar sounds of his room-mates, laughing, as silverware clinked against dishes. Jogging down the stairs, Alex came out in the kitchen; surprised to find a large group of people already awake and eating. “Shit! It’s about time you got up Gogo, we were about to send the Calvary out after you.” TK quipped into his fruit loops, earning sharp jab from Kelsey.
“Yah… I don’t know… I was just really tired I guess.” He said absently, his eyes lingering on Evan’s back as she moved around in front of the fridge.
“Do you want coffee or anything?” She asked Alex, casually, after he’d taken a seat beside Jordan.
Shaking his head, he glanced around the table as everyone dug into their food. “No, I’m alright for now.” Evan nodded in response, replacing a jug of juice into the fridge before closing the door shut.
She sat down at the only empty eat left, across the table from Alex.
He stared at her, as if magical words would appear on her face and tell him what she was thinking.
Feeling his gaze she glanced up, shooting him a timid smile before lifting her coffee mug to her lips. She didn’t look upset or angry, but she also didn’t look one hundred percent fine, either.
There were purplish bruises underneath her eyes, and her soft, blond hair, fell limp around her slender shoulders.
Her eyes drifted away from him, glancing away at nothing as she zoned away from the conversation that was now filling the large kitchen. Alex watched her mind as it drifted away, wishing desperately that he could follow after her.
Everyone else had packed and left, each of them suggesting that they ‘needed to do it again’, at some point in the near future. Alex wasn’t sure what they were referring to; hanging out in general, or seeing Evan punch Mike again.
Regardless of which it was, Evan hadn’t asked, only nodded, smiled, and agreed.
Now Alex stood beside her in the living room, watching his team-mates’ vehicles, disappear around the corner. “So… I got a game tomorrow night but…” He began to say, sighing loudly and turning to look at her. “Look, I don’t know what I’m suppose to do here Evan… I don’t know if you want to come back to Pittsburgh with me or, if you even still want me here right now, after last night.” He hated bringing it up like that, referring to that wonderful time as ‘last night’, like it was something horrendous, that couldn’t be discussed in the open.
Evan looked up at him, trying to ignore the fact that her face was burning a deep-crimson. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” She said slowly, exhaling lightly, willing herself not to cry, not again. “This isn’t my house and, I don’t think I’m going to stay here so…” She shrugged, at a loss for words.
She gazed up at him intently, willing him to understand what she was feeling right now.
She didn’t regret making love to him, that wasn’t even a feasible thought in her mind, not now, not ever. She just wasn’t sure what she wanted.
Yes, she still loved Alex… but, she had also just ended a very long, very serious relationship in heartbreak, the night before.
Even if she wanted to get with Alex immediately, which she wasn’t sure she was ready for, she didn’t want to put him through this. Alex deserved better than the roll of re-bound or sloppy second.
If they were meant to be together, then it would happen, she just knew that right now wasn’t the time. “Please don’t think I regret anything, Alex…” She said softly, reaching out to take his hand.
He smiled at her, a genuine smile, as he grabbed for her other hand; pulling her towards him, into a tight hug.
He kissed the top of her head and breathed her in, before letting her go.
“Are you sure you’ll be ok here though?” He said, trying not to show his disappointment. It wasn’t like had expected her to move right in with him and carry on where they’d left off, all those years before.
But maybe, at some point, he’d allowed his mind to pretend that it would be that simple, that easy.
“Yah, I will be…” She said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing the marks on her neck; proof that last night wasn’t just a long-forgotten dream.
Alex pulled his eyes away from her neck and nodded. “Alright well, my doors always open if you change your mind or just… need a change of scenery.” He mumbled, pushing his hands into his pockets before, turning around. “I should get going then but… give me a call tonight though, at least let me know you’re ok.”
“I will.” Evan said quietly, following after Alex as he headed towards the front door.
He pulled on his coat and reached for the handle, having already stowed his bag in the car that morning. “I guess I’ll be… talking to you tonight then.” He said awkwardly, heading out into the crisp, cool air. Evan stood by the opened door, pulling her arms around her tightly against the cold, as she watched him climb into his car.
Alex took his time pulling out of the driveway, just as Evan took her time closing the door and walking back into the house. Neither of them wanting to be separated from the other.
Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade
Evan was curled up on the couch that night, when headlights flashed in through the front window. She listened intently as a car door slammed, and footsteps walked hesitantly towards the front door.
There was nothing but silence for a full minute, before there came a strong knock on the door.
Evan sat up and exhaled, closing her eyes as she felt tears begin to form on her lids. The knocking sounded again and she opened her eyes, feeling the salty wetness deposit on her cheeks as she stood up and headed towards the door.
She stood in front of it, hyperventaling as she reached out to pull it open, wondering whether or not she should just pretend that she wasn’t home. Her gut instinct left no room for doubt, as to who was behind the door; and when she finally pulled it open, her fears were confirmed. “Evangeline…” Jeff said, his voice so rough and tired, that she could hardly make out her own name.
She wanted to slam the door. She wanted to turn the lock and click the deadbolt into place. She wanted to run away, call Alex and never have to deal with this again, but she couldn’t.
Jeff looked up at her, his eyes blood shot and tired, his posture slumped and defeated. “I, ah… just came to get some things and then I’ll get out of your hair.” He explained softly, as she pulled the door open further and moved back. He walked in past her, awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable in his own house.
He headed towards the stairs, stopping as his hand reached the banister. “Evangeline, I know that it means nothing… but… I’m sorry.” He glanced back at her, his face full of shame and hurt. “I’m sorry that I failed you.” He whispered again, before quietly disappearing to the second floor.
Evan waited on the landing, not moving, other than to take a step back and lean against the wall. She tried to remain composed for the few minutes that Jeff was upstairs, and she managed it, until she heard him come back down.
He walked towards her, a large, stuffed, hockey bag in one hand. “You don’t have to… this is your house Jeff. I’ll go.” She said quietly, nodding towards his bag.
He shook his head though, giving her a weak smile. “Keep it… I’m going to stay with Mike for a bit so, it’s not a big deal, I’ll get another place, or something…” He trailed off, his eyes never leaving her.
“That’s stupid, it’s your house, I’m not gonna keep it.” Evan sighed, feeling more tears fall down onto her cheeks.
“I never meant…” Jeff started to say, but was unable to finish his sentiment as his own eyes began to water. “I didn’t want to hurt you, that was never my intention.”
Evan let out a bark-like laugh, “no, then what was it Jeff? What were you thinking?”
He shrugged, glancing down at the floor. “I wasn’t… I wasn’t thinking. I just… there hasn’t been a minute in my life, since the day we met, that I didn’t love you. Fuck, I still love you Evangeline.
I never wanted it to end this way and I know it’s my fault, I’m just…” Jeff shook his head, every rehearsed line that he had practiced on the way over, completely blank in his mind.
There was a lot he wanted to say, but he didn’t know how.
“How many?” Evan asked finally, the question causing him to look up at her, as he shrugged, unsure of what she was asking. “How many women have you cheated on me with?” She clarified, wondering frantically why she was doing that to herself.
“Her.” He answered honestly, his voice rough, like dry sandpaper.
Evan nodded, biting her lip. “For how long?”
“After you moved down… that… Flyer’s party at Mike’s house…”
“… You don’t cheat on me, when I’m in another state, but then I move here and… why? Why then? Why did you go to her then? Why her?!” She cried, covering her mouth with her hands as the pain bubbled over.
“I didn’t… I didn’t approach her. She came to me and I don’t know why… I can’t give you a reasonable explanation for it. I want to. I wish I could.
I wish I could look you in the face and explain to you why I’ve done all the stupid things that I have, but I don’t know.”
“There doesn’t seem to be a lot you do know…” Evan snapped, glaring at Jeff as she took a deep breath. Her face was hot, and she knew that her cheeks were burning red.
“I know that I don’t want this to be over.” He said quietly, taking a step towards her. He dropped his bag on the floor and reached out, grabbing onto her arms and gently tugging her towards him. “I know that I’m an idiot, and that I don’t deserve you after this… that I probably never deserved you. I know that, without you, there’s nothing in my life worth having…
And I know that I fucked up, in the worse way possible.”
“Jeff,” Evan began, still not sure what she was going to say, even as the words were leaving her mouth. “I don’t know what I want. I love you but… you hurt me and I don’t know if I can move on from that… I don’t know if I want to move on from that.” She sighed, gazing up into his piercing blue eyes.
He held her close, but didn’t try and pull her any closer to him, instead he just watched her for a long time.
“Can you give me a second chance?” He asked finally, fearfully.
“I-I…” Evan stuttered, not wanting to have this conversation now. She wasn’t ready for it. She wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t know what she wanted, that she wasn’t ready to make this decision.
“Just look me in the eye, and tell me that you want me gone forever. Tell me that you don’t want to be with me, that you don’t want this… and I’ll go.
But if you let me stay, I’ll do everything in my power to make this up to you… I know that that probably means nothing to you, after what I’ve done. I just want you Evangeline.
I want to be with you, and look after you, and spend the rest of my life showing you how it should have been from the start.”
Jeff dropped her arms and moved back from her, grabbing his bag off the floor again and stepping towards the door. “Tell me that it’s not easy to lose yourself in that moment, Evangeline. It happened to you, and you’re the closest thing to a saint that I’ve ever seen.
You stopped yourself, I didn’t… but you know how easy it is to let that happen.”
Evan closed her eyes at those words, remembering the night that she’d kissed Alex. She hadn’t actually stopped herself.
Max had barged in and stopped everything. If he hadn’t, then Evan had no doubt how far things would have gone, how far she would have let herself go.
“Give me a call if you… want to talk about it.” Jeff said, giving her a sad smile, before pulling the front door open.
“Jeff.” She called as he stepped out into the night. “I’m not saying that I’m ready to work this out… or that I’ll ever be ready to work it out, but you can stay here. If you want to.”
He glanced back at his truck, and then back at her, torn between what his next move should be. Finally, he nodded, stepping back into the house and closing the door behind him.
He looked like he wanted to say something, thank her, beg her to forgive him some more, but Evan cut him off. “…You’re sleeping in the spare room.” She said with finality, leaving no room for discussion as she headed up the stairs.
Jeff watched her go and shrugged, a grin spreading across his face. Spare-bed, couch, whatever.
So he wasn’t back in the good books yet, but he could tell she was already forgiving him. He wasn’t about to take it for granted though.
Setting down his bag, once more, he pulled out his cell phone and rifled through his contact list.
When he found Sarah’s number, he deleted it, before following Evan up the stairs. He knew he had a lot of work to do, but he could fix this.
He would fix this.
12 years ago
ughhh I don't know if I believe that Jeff is going to be done with Sarah forever, but I want to believe it so bad because Evan deserves happiness. God, I knew she was going to go back to him and she did and ughh!!! Alex needs to save her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeff needs to find someone else who isn't married or in love with another guy whose name rhymes with Galex... cough-evan-cough. Just sayin, just saying((: I love how they're all like we should do this again and Evan's like okay, no clue what you're talking about but okay. Very sweet but also a little sad, you know? You probably do because you wrote it....okay time for me to stop. I'm not making any sense whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteWonderful job(:
Noooo... Sigh... Why?? Why would you let Jeff Carter back into your life when you have Alex waiting for you!? Half begging for you! oh Evan.. you to shall learn one day...
ReplyDeleteI will not forgive you if Evan and Jeff and get back together. never ever never.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell. Are you effin serious? I'm so pissed at her right now I would slap her silly if she were a real person. He might be good for awhile but he won't be able to help himself sooner or later.
ReplyDeleteso... i obviously want Alex and Evan together... but is it horrible that I kinda liked Jeff and Evan together in this chapter?
ReplyDeleteyes? damn lol. and damn you zigh for making jeff carter a well-rounded character! lol
why the hell whould she take him back!? i would have said i slept with alex if i was her and then leave the house.i have a feeling jeff aint going to change at all.
ReplyDeletewow. i can't believe she took him back.
Alex. Mr. Sensitive. I love that he tries to reflect back on the night, instead of just relishing in the moment, like, “Yeah, I finally took that a step farther with Evan...” I mean, he shouldn’t be so worried, or second guess it like he is, I think, but I love that he’s not *expecting* more or anything. Does that make sense?
ReplyDeleteAnd haha, I love that everyone is at Evan’s house. I don’t know why, but I do just love it. When did that happen?
“Yah… I don’t know… I was just really tired I guess.” Because you wore yourself out last night, Gogo! I think that’s where that nickname comes from, because you can go... and go... and go.... Or at least, that’s what I imagine. I’m such a perv. I’m stopping now. /sigh
Okay, I just loved these two quotes: “He stared at her, as if magical words would appear on her face and tell him what she was thinking.” And “Alex watched her mind as it drifted away, wishing desperately that he could follow after her.” Not sure why exactly, but I wish that I would have written them... and that’s how I gauge good writing. So, yes! Good stuff, Zigh.
“Alex wasn’t sure what they were referring to; hanging out in general, or seeing Evan punch Mike again.” BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Punch him again! Sure, the hanging out was fun, but... punch Richards again!!!
“If they were meant to be together, then it would happen, she just knew that right now wasn’t the time.” Every time they put it off, or say that it will happen when it’s supposed to happen, I feel like it will *never* happen. They’re relying too much on fate, and hoping that destiny will do the work for them. They need to make some decisions and be proactive, or else they’re NEVER going to be together, and that would just break my poor heart. :/
“It wasn’t like had expected her to move right in with him and carry on where they’d left off, all those years before.
But maybe, at some point, he’d allowed his mind to pretend that it would be that simple, that easy.” .....and there goes my heart, falling through my feet. Go to Pittsburgh, Evan, because there’s nothing for you in Philly!
That goodbye is so awkward, because it’s not supposed to happen. They shouldn’t be saying goodbye, this should be “Hello!” to their new and improved relationship!
And why was Evan still in that house when Carter came home? Why isn’t she in a hotel, or something? She said she wasn’t going to stay there, and they already had their big confrontation. But, as crazy as it sounds, I like that he knocked and waited for her to let him in. It’s his house, but he shows he’s being respectful of her space and decision, I guess.
This line actually makes me feel bad for Carter: “Jeff shook his head, every rehearsed line that he had practiced on the way over, completely blank in his mind.” It’s like, he thought of what he wanted to say and how to explain, but it doesn’t matter when he sees her. I don’t know what it is, but I softened a wee tiny, itty bitty bit....
...And, at least he’s being honest.
ReplyDelete“Can you give me a second chance?” I didn’t expect him to ask that. I knew he was repenting, but that takes a lot of balls, or a lot of desperation.
“I want to be with you, and look after you, and spend the rest of my life showing you how it should have been from the start.” And I melted a little bit more.
And then is it wrong that I then FELT BAD for Carter when he called Evan a saint, because she stopped herself, and he didn’t? Wow. How can you do this to me, Zigh? I hate Carter, and yet, right now... I don’t totally hate his guts.
I’m not sure if I think Evan’s a fool or not. Obviously, I want her to go to Alex, because I want Alex to be happy, and Alex would be happy with Evan. But, I mean, they were engaged. She did (does) love him, for whatever reason (none that I can see, because, well, he’s a Flyer and a douche—and I’m not sure which is worse). And even though it’s never happened to me, I can only imagine the emotional turmoil she’s going through after being cheated on. And she is kind of right: it is his house, even though he should be the gentleman and not stay there. And she isn’t exactly taking him back. She’s just trying to be nice.
“He wasn’t about to take it for granted though.” And then deleting Sarah’s number. I wonder if he’s for real about this. I want him to be, even though I still think she needs to go to Alex. Because I want him to realize how wrong he was, regardless of whether he gets that second chance. I can’t believe you have me feeling sorry for Carter. If that’s not a sign of persuasive writing, I don’t know what is. Ugh, ridiculously good. Can't wait for the next one!
ReplyDeleteThat's the only thing I can say after that... Grrr
Great update though* lol
Ummmm can Jeff Carter be a sweet little boy like THIS...ALL THE TIME : |
ReplyDeleteOkay, you had me crushing on Carter in this chapter. I'm not going to lie.
Like if he were to CHANGE and be like this, I'd want you to write a story about Evan and Jeff, because he seems like he COULD be just adorable.
Geez. You good writer YOU.
You make me want to kill him, then for the SECOND time I just want to love him. Ick.
Great update.
Can't wait to see if Jeff is gonna stay adorable or change. Probably change right?
Zigh, what are you doing to me?? Playing around with my emotions and whatnot! I'm actually starting to feel like Carter may be starting to change?? UGH NO! I want to believe he's still a jerk and a douche and things of that nature, but something about him sounded so sincere in this chapter that my heart ached a teensy tiny bit for him. And believe me, that's the last thing I would ever want in, like, the world.
ReplyDeleteI am so confused right now! It feels like my world's been turned upside down. I hate Carter for twenty-three chapters and now...I just can't place what I'm feeling. Compassion? Fond feelings? Good will? And it's all due to you and your kick ass writing. Grrrrr. :P
Love love love love love times infinity.
I'm sorry zigh but if she gets back with Carter then I'm done reading this story (I'll want to be done but it's an addiction so I'll be back).
ReplyDeleteUgh. She should have just run off with Alex. I DO NOT like Carter in this, and am not convinced by his rediculous attempts to get back with her. I don't care how sorry you are, you fucked up hard. haha. Maybe I'm just a bitter person? Well written, can't wait to see whats next.
ReplyDeletei don't know if i believe jeff...
ReplyDeletewhat is she going to say to alex? he's suck a sweet guy!!!
at the end of this.. once alex and evan are together... can you add a jeff carter story to your to do list of stories? lol.
ReplyDeleteTeam Alex. What is Evan thinking? They had amazing sex and she wants to go back to Mr. Douchebag???? Seriously. Excellent again
ReplyDeleteI love reading the comments almost as much as I love reading the chapters...Team Alex, fer sher!