Sometimes my friend/ex, Consti, annoys me... other time he gives me pure gold...
"If Jeff Carter took out a personal add, it'd be pretty easy to pick out! SWM LF Cum Dumpster: must like strange sexual encounters and men that bite other men. No knowledge of hockey, or how much the Flyers suck, is also an assesst."
Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows(Cover)
“We’re out tonight Gogo, you coming?” Chris asked as he walked out of the bathroom to find Alex relaxing on one of the hotel beds.
“No thanks man…” Came the predictable response as Alex grabbed for the flicker, changing the channel to Family Guy.
Chris didn’t bother arguing, Gogo had been like that since the season started, since the Flyer girl moved to Pennsylvania. “You use to be fun…” He said absently, riffling through his bag in search of a better shirt to wear. Chris glanced over at Alex to find him staring back, looking irritated. “It‘s true!” Chris said defensively, holding up his hands in front of him, in a show of truce. “You use to always be up for a good time… I remember all the shit we use to go out and do in North Dakota for the World Juniors? I mean, it wasn’t that long ago…” Alex didn’t say anything, turning his attention back to the TV, pretending that he wasn’t listening anymore; but he was, and Chris knew it, so he pressed on.
“Gogo… she’s getting married to him. I don’t know why… I mean, obviously I’m not sure what the draw is there… but the point is, he won. She picked Carter and you need to just deal with it.”
“First off, I am deal-”
“Sitting in a hotel room watching Family Guy reruns and ignoring your friends is not dealing. It’s hiding. Now stop being such a pansy and get dressed… or I’ll get Talbot.” He threatened, turning around and leaving the room before Alex could say anything otherwise.
Alex groaned and glanced around the room, deciding that maybe Chris had a point. He thought that by staying away from the guys, hiding how much this whole thing was bothering him, was better for everyone. But he wasn’t fooling a single person.
All the guys knew he was still in love with Evan, it wasn’t like it was that hard to pick up on.
He rolled himself off the bed and got up, heading towards the door, before Chris came back, or Talbot showed up. Then he stopped walking, turning slightly to catch his reflection in the long mirror above the low cabinet. “Ugh…” He grunted, turning till he could see himself face on.
He grabbed for some new, clean clothing out of his suitcase. Discarding his ripped, baggy, U of M shirt and sweats; he pulled on a pair of jeans and a crisp, fresh shirt.
He covered the scent of hockey boy and Doritos, with some of the musky,Old Spice cologne his mom bought him for Christmas; praying it would be enough to hid the fact that he didn’t have time to shower again.
When Alex got out into the hallway he came face to face with Max and Chris, both of them were surprised, but pleased to find their team-mate already dressed and ready to go. “And here we thought that we were gonna have to pull you out of there!” Max laughed, slapping Alex on the shoulder as the three boys headed down the hallway.
“Wait… does this mean you’re actually gonna come out and have a genuine good time? Or are you gonna jerk around and take off when no one’s watching?” Chris asked, only half-joking.
They all knew that Alex wasn’t a huge party boy, but at times they took offence to the fact that he didn’t seem to enjoy spending time with them.
Max and Chris weren’t the only ones surprised. When they made it down to the lobby of the hotel, the rest of the team was already gathered; everyone giving Alex a welcoming smile when he approached.
“Alright guys… in honour of our day off tomorrow, and the fact that Gogo here, has decided to bless us with his presence… I say we hit the town hard!” Max yelled, earning a round of rambunctious cheers and grunts of approval from the guys around him.
“Umm… ok… just not too hard though, right guys? Nothing illegal and… no lewd behaviour…” Kris Letang called timidly as he followed after them; Sidney having abandoned him to stay in the hotel tonight, as far away from the public eye as possible.
Alex tried to give Kris a reassuring smile, but it might of appeared more as a grimace, as he allowed himself to be swept up in the sea of off-hour Penguins.
The girl was covered in tattoo, but gorgeous in a wild, edgy way. She was lean and tall, with blond hair that fell down around her shoulders, much like Evan's. But from the way her fitted, black tights wrapped around her long legs, and the poise she demanded as she leaned by the bar; she appeared more like a cut-out of Angelina Jolie - pre-babies - with an obvious mix of Kat Von D.
Max was in love with her - and every one of her friends, to boot - but she was interested in Alex, for some unknown reason.
After a few drinks, Alex was even beginning to think taking her back to the hotel was a fantastic idea. This was confirmed further when she was grinding up against him and Chris approached from the side. “I can stay out a bit longer if you ahh… want some privacy?” He smirked, glancing over at the blond that was pulling Alex’s earlobe into her mouth.
“Yah… ok!” Alex agreed, grimacing slightly as her teeth dragged, roughly along his sensitive skin.
On cue, the girl pulled her lips away from Alex, grabbing onto his hand and pulling him towards the exit. Alex went with her, grinning at her exuberance; too drunk to feel embarrassed as he glanced over his shoulder.
His team-mates were all laughing and waving at him, apparently excited that he was finally meeting their expectations.
Sexy Bitch - Akon & David Guetta LOL yah... I did use this song... lolololol
It was weird for Alex, being in a situation like this, he didn’t even know her name. No, it wasn’t even weird because of that, it was weird because he didn’t care; he didn’t want to know her name, because he didn’t want to know her.
“Come here…” She sighed, motioning for him with a finger as she laid out on the hotel bed.
He went to her, not fully coherent, as he dropped down beside her. She moved her legs over to straddle him, running her hands up along his torso as he put his hands behind his head and watched her.
She gyrated her hips, causing his erection to wake up, slowly, beneath her. Alex watched as she began to grin, realizing the effect she was having on him; then her smile became strained, and disappeared all together - being replaced by a look somewhere between awe, and ’oh shit’ - as she realized how far down his dick went.
Alex was starting to have a change of heart; did he really want to do this? It wasn’t that he hadn’t had sex since Evan, cause he had. And it wasn’t that he didn’t want to have sex now, physically he was all go, but mentally, he was hitting a block.
He grabbed onto her hips, causing her to look up him as he moved her, until he could stand up.
Alex placed her back down on her feet, on the floor, grabbing at her clothing; pulling it free in no time at all. He walked her backwards, pinning her up against the wall; with hardly any effort, holding her there.
She grabbed at his shirt and he pulled his upper body back, allowing her to tug it off, before his mouth fell back on her, like a rabid dog.
Alex reached down to undo his pants, not bother to remove them fully as they dropped around his ankles. He re-pined the girl against the wall with his body, moving his hands down to her smooth thighs, before lifting her off the ground. Impatient to be inside of her, Alex just allowed gravity to take over; teetering her on the tip of his dick and letting her slide down it.
Each inch he earned, brought out a moan, and feral cry from the girl; but Alex did nothing.
He continued to let her slide down until she was fully impaled, her lips parted, and a constant stream of mummer coming out of her mouth. “You ok?” Alex asked, his voice husky, as he began to feel bad for not moving in slower.
“No… god… fucking christ… just go…” She whined, grabbing onto his shoulders, her nails digging into him until he was sure she was drawing blood.
He pulled out and slammed into her, the sound of her scream coinciding with the thumping of her back against the wall.
She fought to find a foothold, her leg kicking out to the side and slamming into a lamp. It fell off the table and onto the floor with a loud thump, but Alex didn’t stop.
He pulled out of her and slammed his way back in, feeling her body’s feeble attempt to make room for him, while her nails dug deeper into his flesh.
He fucked her as hard as he could, using her loud moans in an attempt to drown out any other thoughts in his mind. The drunk part of him just wanted to get off, the part that was sobering up, just wanted to forget everything.
And not just forget everything about tonight, or about the last week, or the last month… but everything.
When his arms couldn’t hold her up any longer, he moved her away from the wall and headed into the bathroom, sliding her off his throbbing cock and setting her on her feet.
She moved with him, stepping into the shower and turning on the water, without checking the temperature.
Alex moved in behind her, not caring that the shower was colder than he would have liked. She bent forward, one hand against the wet tiles, the other grasping the shower curtain as he entered her again.
When she was bent over like this, her bare-bottom laid out openly, it was easier for him to push himself into her entirely, which he did.
He dug his fingers into her hips, propelling himself into her as hard and fast as he could; rocking her body with each strong thrust.
She screamed out, trying to find something better to hold on to, her right hand knocking over the tiny shampoo and conditioner, before her other hand began to tear the shower curtain off.
Alex moved to hold his own balance, grabbing onto the medal shower rod and trying to hold himself up. It didn’t work, and as he slid backwards, he pulled the shower rod free of it’s hold. “Are you fucking kidding me?” He groaned, chucking the bar aside and reaching forward to slam the water off. The girl started to laugh as she glanced down at the mess below them.
At some point Alex had stepped on the shampoo and caused the little bottle to explode, the soapy residue still clinging around his feet.
The shower curtain, shower rod and giant puddle of water was splayed out over the tilted floor. “Fucker…” He sighed, chuckling slightly as he shook his head. “Bed?” He asked, causing her to nod as she climbed out of the shower and headed back into room.
The covers were destroyed, ripped in places and discarded on the floor. There was a large dent in the wall from where a picture had been hanging; the very same picture that was face down and cracked beside Alex’s feet. He looked down at the girl in front of him as he took her from behind again; the perfect shape of his fingers, bruised along her thighs and hips.
He took a deep breath to steady himself, his endurance beginning to dwindle as physical exhaustion took over.
Grunting, Alex gave one last rush, moving her body instead of his to create motion. He gasped, feeling his erection begin to twitch as his climax neared. Pulling out at the last second, his dick slapped down on her back, squirting a string of thick, white, liquid, along her back and shoulders.
He stared at her naked skin for a minute. From behind, her hair looked so familiar, like something he had seen a thousand times before, only this time it was wrong, backwards. He glanced downward, as his cum slowly slid along the dark lines of several back tattoos, that marked her as a stranger.
12 years ago
Shit, that was hot!
ReplyDeleteFucking wow.
See, being friends with Consti pays off... sometimes.
ReplyDelete--K. First off, I never thought I'd say this ever in my life, but Bourque's making a lot of sense. It makes a lot of sense, coming from him, because they did play in the WJC together. It was hilarious when he said he was gonna get Talbot. Seriously, I laughed so hard. And then that he was actually coming up to get him!! Good times.
--Mmmmmm. Old Spice. /drool Although, hockey-boy-and-Dorito scent would be delicious on Gogo, too. If I win the shirt... I'll let you know ;)
--"They all knew that Alex wasn’t a huge party boy, but at times they took offence to the fact that he didn’t seem to enjoy spending time with them." Aww, that made me feel kinda sad.
--And poor KTang. But that was pretty funny, too.
--"Max was in love with her - and every one of her friends, to boot - but she was interested in Alex, for some unknown reason." Hahaha, for some reason, I immediately thought of Chubby, who loves Max and ignores Alex. This chick is the opposite of Chubby. I don't know why I thought of it that way, but it cracked me up.
--"His team-mates were all laughing and waving at him, apparently excited that he was finally meeting their expectations." I don't know how I feel about this....
--Okay, and then the reason this comment is going to be so short is the whole second part. Honestly, it just bothers me. Not that it's drunk sex, because he and Evan aren't together, and it's not like he hasn't been getting his jollies off with Amelia. But that he's mindlessly fucking to forget everything, and for a second he thinks he recognizes Evan in this girl but she's not her and.... :/ At least with Amelia, he felt bad for hurting her and opted for easier solutions instead of merely not caring and impaling her. It really just kind of upsets me, and if something doesn't work out soon, I'm gonna full-out bust into tears. /depression
--Although I'm kind of interested to hear if the guys have anything to say about the condition of the room.
--And since the Carter pic wasn't up yesterday when I commented... eww. Those eyes are like the Mona Lisa's... they follow you where ever you go. Creepy. /shiver
Lmfao at your friend Consti! That's just too friggin hysterical/true.
ReplyDelete“Umm… ok… just not too hard though, right guys? Nothing illegal and… no lewd behaviour…”
^^Poor Kris hahaha getting sucked into the antics of these crazy hockey boys! I felt bad for him, but he should know what he's getting himself into. :P
So, that random sex with that random girl was completely hot. BUT I agree with Jay about mindlessly fucking to forget. I feel so bad for Alex! I don't want him to end up just settling for random hook-ups ):
wow...a good wow but wow...
ReplyDeleteyea that sums it up
I would pay money to be a fly on the wall when the guys find out he destroyed a hotel room having sex! I agree with every one else though, it's so sad he's just doing it to forget . I love that every one's afraid of Max if they don't go out and party.
ReplyDeleteWell... ok.. First and foremost! TEAM CONSTI!!! WOOH!!! Tell Consti he made my whole night! *high fives!* ahhaa
ReplyDeleteSecond- I'm with Jay that Carter picture is just CREEP-Y! yikes.
Thirdly- that was hot AND dirty... and in all the right ways!
Kudos girly
Yep, what everybody wrote above about sums it up for me...Consti, though, gets the gold star of the day for the comment at the beginning of the chapter :)