Where Nobody Knows - Kings of Leon
“Come on hotlips! Why not? We’re getting married…” Jeff sighed, holding himself up over Evan, as they laid on the bed together.
“No! That’s disgusting!” She groaned, crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for him to back off.
“Babycakes… marriage is built on compromise…” He cooed, lowering his arms until he was pressed against her; nuzzling his face into her neck.
“And my compromise is to have sex with you, normal sex, not that.” She sighed, shaking her head as she tried to push him away.
Jeff sighed too, giving up on the discussion, almost.
“We could have a lot of fun on the Hershey highway you know…” He chuckled, running his tongue along her neck.
“Ugh! Jeff! That’s so gross… the idea of anal sex is bad enough, do you have to ruin chocolate too?”
He laughed loudly, enjoying his new game as grabbed his dick and pushed it inside of her.
She wasn’t wet, so the friction dragged along his shaft as he forced himself inside. “Foreplay?” She asked sarcastically before biting her lip against the mild pain.
“It’ll get wet in a minute, besides… I don’t got the time. Meeting the guys soon.” He explained, beginning to rock his body faster.
Evan rolled her eyes, taking a deep breath and trying to find some pleasure in this intimate moment with her fiancé.
Sure she wished that Jeff would be more romantic like Alex had been with her, but he was what he was, and he wasn’t about to change for anyone. “Mmm… see Pet, I told you it’d get wet. You like that don’t you, you little slut?” He hissed, his teeth clenched against the physical exertion.
Any excitement she had been starting to feel was done now. She hated when he called her that name; slut.
He always called her the most random of nicknames and normally she didn’t mind, there was just something about that. It was like a title, like a word saying ’look here she is, my worthless property’. She sighed and tried to play along anyway, not wanting to ruin the moment for him.
“You know I do… fuck me harder, Jeff.” She said, trying to put feeling behind the words.
It worked, Jeff moaned as the words left her mouth, pulling back enough that he could move her over onto her stomach.
His hands found her ass and he dragged her towards him; impaling himself into her. “Who am I?” He commanded loudly, and Evan had to suppress a giggle; fortunately she could still roll her eyes, now that he couldn’t see her.
“You’re Jeff Carter…”
“Mmm… the greatest hockey player of all time.” She recited, trying to sound as serious as possible.
“Fucking right!” He agreed, bringing his hand down to slap her ass as he came.
Evan stepped out of the shower and headed back into her room; throwing on a pair of sweats and a fitted, cotton shirt. She checked herself in the mirror before towel drying her blond hair.
She descended the steps quickly, heading down into the kitchen. After grabbing her wedding ‘file’ from a cabinet drawer, she situated herself at the table; praying that Alex was still coming.
She hadn’t talked to him since the day after his game; and that was only for a few seconds.
They hadn’t talked about a whole lot, since he was just getting ready to head out for a road trip. He did however tell her that his date went good; she wasn’t sure how she felt about that.
After some internal debate, she decided that she was happy that he had had a good time, but she was still torn. She didn’t want to be some conceited girl that believed every man should love her; but at the same time, part of her wished that Alex did still care about her like he did before.
The sound of the front door opening, pulled Evan out of her thoughts. “Alex!” she shouted as he smiled at her brightly from across the room. He held out his arms as he moved towards her, and she jumped up, running to accept his hug.
“You seem so surprised to see me, I said I’d be here.” Alex laughed as he allowed her to take his hand and lead him towards the kitchen table.
She shrugged as she took her seat. “I know, but… I just figured you’d rather be doing something else. I’m sick of this wedding already, and it’s mine!” Alex just shook his head and laughed, grabbing for a piece of paper on the table.
“So you figure anything out since last time?”
She nodded, shuffling through the mess on the table until she found what she was looking for. “I finished the guest list, for sure. I kept it under one hundred… even with all of Jeff’s additions.”
“Under a hundred? Really? Oh I see… we’re not counting Flyers as ‘real’ people…”
Evan snorted, feigning hurt as she grabbed the paper back from him. “No, I just decided… not to invite anyone for me…” She explained hastily as she stowed her list away.
“What do you mean you’re not inviting anyone?” Alex spat, turning to stare at her. “What am I? Chopped liver?”
“Well, no you’re coming but… ugh. I was waiting to do this at a more… formal time. Alex, will you stand with me?” She asked slowly, measuring his reaction carefully as she spoke.
“Like… a bride’s maid?”
“Well you obviously wouldn’t be a brides maid but… it would just be you and… it would mean a lot to me… if you were up there with me.” Alex nodded as she handed another sheet to him.
There were two headings ‘Evangeline-Rose’ and ‘Jeff has a big shlong’.
“Ugh, ignore the headings, Jeff’s a moron.” She sighed, pointing at the names below the heading. Under Evan’s name, there was only one person; him. Under Jeff’s name there was a long list of Flyer players.
“I am not walking down the isle with Gagne and Hartnell…” Alex sighed, shaking his head and set the paper down on the table. “But yes, I’ll be there with you… of course I will.”
Evan’s grin spread across her face and she jumped out of her seat towards him, hugging him tightly.
“Thank you.”
“Don’t let me interrupt.” Jeff said loudly as he appeared around the corner. His tone dictated otherwise though; and Evan moved back from Alex, looking slightly ashamed of herself as Jeff came to stand behind her. “So, you ladies just working on this today?” He asked, rubbing his hands on Evan’s shoulders.
“I thought you had to go meet the guys…” She sighed, and Alex could hear the annoyance in her voice.
Jeff nodded, taking his hands off of her and reaching up to run them through his flat, bed-head hair. “I sure do… see you later pet.” He sighed, bending down to kiss the top of her head.
Alex watched him grab his coat off the nearby chair and head towards the front foyer; tugging it over his arms before disappearing out the door. “So… still excited about the wedding I see…” Alex quipped, looking back at Evan as he did so.
Her eyes were still zoned out on the door that Jeff had just left through, and Alex allowed her a few minutes of silence. “Oh… sorry… what?”
“Not important.”
“Oh.” She said again, inhaling deeply as she glanced around the table. “So… see Amelia since I talked to you last?”
“Nope. We’re going out tonight though… or… we’re suppose to be.” He said absently, as Evan handed him the empty seating chart.
“You want me to chalk you up as Goligoski plus one?” She quipped, mostly trying to get a feeling of where he was heading with this girl.
She seemed nice, but Evan wanted to know for sure. She didn’t think that it was weird, after all, they were best friends; wasn’t she suppose to ask?
She tried to pretend his answer wouldn’t bother her either way, but she couldn’t help and smile when he answered. “No!” He laughed loudly, fiddling with the pen in his hand. “Absolutely not… it’s what, October? You’re getting married in July? That’s like, ten months away or something… not happening.”
Evan settled back in, happy with that answer. She slid her chair over beside Alex and began to help him figure out where everyone should sit.
He went over each detail carefully, making sure that the guests were spread out appropriately; and most importantly, that he didn’t have to deal with any of the Flyers.
Evan watched him, smiling as his fingers drew out a plan for her to follow. Alex couldn’t tell her why he kept doing this kind of stuff with her though. As far as she knew he was just being a friend; when really, he just liked to pretend that he was helping her plan their wedding. The wedding they always thought would come.
Obviously fate had other plans though; and so Alex was left planning the wedding of the woman he loved, to a man he hated.
Iris - GooGoo Dolls(Cover)
“So… what are we?” Alex asked Amelia, one night, as he laid beside her on her bed. They weren’t snuggling, but they were side by side; close enough to touch.
They were both naked and sweaty, an aftermath of the event that had just taken place on her sheets, and floor, and stairs…
“I don’t know.” She said quietly, glancing over at him. “What do you want to be?”
Alex stretched his arms behind his head and sighed. “Honestly? I’m not sure. I mean, I like you… I like, hanging out with you. I just don’t know, what it is that I’m looking for.” He answered, as truthfully as possible.
He knew what he wanted - or whom he wanted, rather - that wasn’t the issue. He just knew he couldn’t have her, and after Evan, he hadn’t really given it any thought.
It’d been almost three weeks since he met her and they’d hung out a lot; most of the time spent fucking in her house. He did enjoy her company; it was nice to have someone to spend his nights with when Evan was home and he didn’t feel like going out with the guys.
“So… you don’t want anything serious?” She asked, rolling over onto her side.
Alex rolled onto his side too, staring her in the eye. “Does that upset you?” He asked, searching her face for some sign of hurt. There was none.
Amelia smiled and shook her head. “No… it’s probably better than way, I don’t really know what I want actually…” She bit her lip and reached out running her hand down his side. “I just like having a man here… it’s less lonely. Besides, I don’t think I’m really ready for anything serious just yet.” Alex nodded in agreement as the nineteen year old reached down to stroke his shaft. Of course when he’d been nineteen, he was much different than her. He’d been with Evan and totally ready to settle down.
He thought about his team-mates though, and realized how uncommon that was; none of them were ready to settle down and they were older than Amelia - some of them by a lot.
Amelia ran her fingers along his length, coaxing him back to life. He grinned and rolled towards her again, knocking her onto her back.
She wasn’t Evan, not even close, but that thought didn’t matter so much in this moment; not as he began to insert his fingers into the heat between her legs. “Put it in me now Alex…” She moaned, urging him into action with her words.
He spread her legs open with a hand and inserted the head of his dick inside her. She let out a mangled cry, arching her back of the bed and Alex took a deep breath, trying to be as careful as possible.
It was hard though, finding feelings of tenderness and intimacy with someone he didn’t love. When it came down to it though, he was still a guy, and the girl he loved was moved on; why shouldn’t he want to sleep with someone.
For whatever reason, Alex bit his lip as he pushed in further; stretching Amelia’s slit open to an uncomfortable tightness. He stopped moving, watching as she twisted below him, trying to keep herself from crying out.
Finally realizing that he wasn’t moving anymore, she looked up and caught his eye before glancing down. He wasn’t even an eighth of the way in and she sighed. “Do you just want me to jack you off?”
“Yah that might be better.” Alex chuckled lightly as he pulled himself out of her, flopping back down on to the bed beside her.
Amelia crawled towards him, perching up in between his legs as she grasped onto his cock; unable to fully close her hand around it.
She used to hands, one at the base and one at the head, moving in unison to bring Alex off. He tried to allow his mind to relax and his body to go with it; really, when he willed himself to get lost in the moment, it was easy to get caught up and just go with it.
Which is what he did; trying to ignore the nagging voice in the back of his head. That little voice that was telling him he was turning into Max. No intentions of a relationship, or feelings for this girl, and yet here he was…
12 years ago
OMG. How bad do I want to smack Jeff Carter.
ReplyDelete: |
What. A. Moron.
So I'm ready for like Evan and Alex to hook up, while Evan is still with Jeff, and she figures out she still loves Alex, and they get married!
: )
Great update.
Excite to see what's coming next.
OH. And 19!! I mean, I'm 19, but when you mentioned it in the story, I was like "damn, that's young"
WTF Carter? He’s gross and stupid. He should not be allowed to sleep with any woman, ever. Seriously. /facepalm
ReplyDeleteUuuuugh. Alex helping Evan plan her wedding? It would be adorable, if he wasn’t head over heels for her. But it just makes me so sad. Like, it’s bad enough that she’s engaged to the Immaculate Douchebag, but that he has to help PLAN it, too?! It seems so masochistic. I feel so bad for him, because it’s gotta be torture.
Evan needs to listen to her heart, that Carter’s a douche and Alex is the right man for her. Honey, if you wish Carter were more like Alex, then just go get Alex!! I realize that you’re scared, and you’re worried that maybe he doesn’t feel the same anymore... but you don’t know unless you try. Speak up, woman!
“Under a hundred? Really? Oh I see… we’re not counting Flyers as ‘real’ people…” BAHAHA!
“So, you ladies just working on this today?” I hate you, Carter. HATE. YOU.
Awwww.... Gogo plus one.... makes me swoon.
And Evan, further, if you’re jealous about Amelia and Alex, then you have to admit to yourself that you secretly still love Gogo with all your heart and you really want to be with him.
“As far as she knew he was just being a friend; when really, he just liked to pretend that he was helping her plan their wedding. The wedding they always thought would come.
Obviously fate had other plans though; and so Alex was left planning the wedding of the woman he loved, to a man he hated.” Tears. Lots and lots of tears. I just want him to be happy.
And then the whole part with Amelia just made me even more sad. It just highlights the contrast between what he wants and what he has. It’s killing me. KILLING me. The poor, poor guy.
There’s nothing wrong with having a fuck buddy, Goose, but if it’s bothering you that much, you HAVE to say something. You can’t let Evan marry the doucher without speaking up!!
This update nearly killed me, Zigh, but I still loved it. And now I must patiently wait for tomorrow. :)
i seriously have so much hate for jeff in this chapter.
and i feel bad for amelia =/
alex is just with her to get his mind off of evan.
something's gotta happen between those 2.
i also LOVE the fact that you picked a Boyce Avenue song. they're like my favorite band ever.
I don't know if I will be able to even look at Jeff Carter anymore, at all, ever after this chapter!
ReplyDeleteDitto on never being able to look at Carter after this story. Such a good update. The tension and the two rotten relationships. Ugh, my heartbreaks and yet I can't wait for more.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think I'd be able to hate Carter any more but after this chapter, the hate has been amped up to a whole new level. I fucking hate that man. Seriously, I'm pretty sure he's the biggest douchebag on the face of the earth. How could anyone want to date, let alone marry, a guy like that?! Ugh! So, so, so gross! I completely agree with the other ladies, I can't look at him the same way now.
ReplyDeleteI love how Alex wants to help Evan plan her wedding but it breaks my heart that he's pining over her so badly. I wish Evan could see it! Alex is ridiculously sweet and Carter's just an asshole.
The end made me sad too. I feel so bad that Alex is lonely and that he's 'settling' for Amelia. I mean she's really sweet and everything, but like he said, she's no Evan. Poor Alex! I want to hug him and make it better!
Nineteen. Wow. That surprised me.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand this misery. Your writing is wonderful--that's not what's wrong. My heart is breaking for Alex. And for Evan.
And just when I thought that it wasn't possible to hate a Cryer more than I already do, Jeff simply outdoes himself in this story.
Where is Evan's self esteem? Why would she put up with him. It's not like she hasn't had a good relationship to compare this to. So wtf is she doing with him? Is this the way she is punishing herself for not going with Alex? I totally do not get it!
ReplyDeleteExcept for that 19 part, I feel a little better about Alex and Amelia. They have been up front about what they want. It seems they both just want someone to fill the void. They feel less lonely with each other. I was afraid he was leading her on, that she thought he was falling in love. It's not a good relationship but at least it's fair.
As always thanks for sharing this great story!
Jeff Carter is the definition of facepalm and fail. He makes me want to go kick my sister's dog, but I won't so no worries. Alex is amazing and Max ROCKS MY SOCKS
ReplyDeletesorry, I know he wasn't in this chapter but I feel like I need to say this in every comment or it isn't complete
Can we all just go on a rampage mission to Philly... and besat Carter up? I know it's a story, and that he's probably a decent guy... but in this chapter I want to murder him...
ReplyDeleteAnd this little fling that Gogo's got goin' on... ugh... I kind of want to smack he and Evan's heads together and be like 'Seriously you two... wake up!'