Holy response batman!
Honestly, I don't think I've ever gotten that many comments on a post before so... wicked! haha thank you all very much =)! I know that there are twenty-some people following this but I was still impressed to see that 15 people read the last post...
Thanks for putting me in a good mood!
Like Red On A Rose - Alan Jackson
If he should have been concerned, or anxious, or timid, Alex didn’t realize it. As soon as Evan’s soft, welcoming lips, brushed against his, he forget everything other than how much he loved her.
It started so gently - barely there, like the lightest summer breeze - her lips hypnotically parting under his.
It wasn’t shy, but patient; their lips remembering things that their minds had forgotten ages ago. Things that had always been there, lying in wait, lingering until this moment, when they could surface again.
It was juvenile, and innocent, and beautiful. Evan never knew she could feel so much in a single kiss, the single connection of one body part to another.
She had touched Alex many times since their relationship had ended. Hugged him, held his hand; but this, this was something so perfect, it went beyond anything she could have imagined.
She felt her lips tug up at the corners, hardly able to contain the grin that was growing with each motion Alex made.
He opened his mouth, gently tracing his tongue along her pink lips, sketching their shape flawlessly from memory.
“Evan…” He sighed, one arm still wrapped around her shoulder, the other sliding up her side, onto the smooth skin of her face.
She moaned as the sound of her name rolled off his tongue; that moan caused her lips to part further, imploring Alex to gently push his tongue inside of her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, clutching at him, as he held her back just as fiercely.
He breathed her in, refusing to move away for a moment, even when his breath became less and less. Even when he felt his body fighting against him; tiny points of lights, dancing under the lids of his closed eyes.
Evan was the one who broke the kiss first, pulling away from Alex enough to draw a breath; but never opening her eyes.
She kept them shut tightly, not wanting to see him, or meet his gaze; not wanting this moment to stop for anything in the whole world.
In this second, in this place, it was only them.
Using her slight distance as momentum, Alex pushed himself up until he was sitting; grabbing onto her and bringing her body back against his.
Evan settled in on his lap, wrapping her long legs around his back and pressing her pelvis, hard, against his growing erection. Alex groaned and grabbed onto her face with both hands, pulling her further towards him, until he could capture her lips once more.
They moved in sync, his hands releasing her face after a while, and roaming the length of her body. He didn’t need to open his eyes to remember anything, his fingers had profiled her shape, so many sleepless nights; he knew every inch by heart.
He grabbed for the hem of her shirt and tugged it upwards, pulling it over her head and moving his lips down to her neck, once it was discarded. His tongue found the familiar spot that had always driven her wild in the past; and it didn’t fail him tonight.
She grabbed onto his shirt and tried to tug at it, tried to remove it so she could run her nails up and down his firm, beautiful, taut form; but he wouldn’t let go of her.
Giving up, so tilted her head back and sighed, licking her lips as his warm breath sent shivers through her body. He worked his way upwards, until he was breathing in her ear; a gruff, lustful mumble, that was incoherent to either one of them, but still managed to make perfect sense.
Unable to say anything at all, Alex pulled her ear lobe into his hot mouth, gently allowing his teeth to drag along it, as Evan tilted her head towards him. “Alex…” She purred, her voice a partially mangled-cry. She dug her fingers into the back of his neck, desperately trying to hang onto him as he stood up and turned around. He dropped her onto her back, before falling down on top of her, his body completely struggling for control against his brain.
His mind was saying to stop, that this was wrong, that this shouldn’t - couldn’t - be happening… but every nerve ending in him was on fire, so full of need he couldn’t stop it.
Going with his natural instinct, he pulled away from her, just enough to roll her onto her stomach. She went with him, tucking her elbows underneath her and pushing herself up slightly.
Alex stayed on top of her, his torso pressing down against her ass, his fingers digging into her waist and his tongue dancing across the naked skin on her back. He pulled one hand away from her, finally tugging off his own shirt before moving back down on top of her, and allowing his warm, smooth body to press down on top of hers.
Evan sighed when she felt his skin touch hers, his protective, safe, arms sliding underneath her as his mouth found it’s way back to her neck.
She wriggled away from him slightly, desperate to taste him again, rolling over onto her back, below him, she opened her eyes finally.
Surprisingly, she could see him almost cleary, a gently line of lightly illuminating him perfectly, as he laid a few inches above her; held up by the powerful muscles in his arms.
Something about the light wasn’t right though, and Alex pulled his eyes away from Evan’s perfect face, to find the shape of a man in the doorway; his identity hidden by the intrusive hall light behind him.
Don’t Think I Don’t Think About it - Darius Rucker
“Holy shit!! No way… holy… oh my- JORDAN!” Max screamed, spinning around. He grabbed onto the door frame with both hands and hung outward into the hall, his voice carrying downstairs.
“Max! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Alex yelled, tugging his comforter loose and draping it over Evan. “Knock much?”
“Seriously… this is amazing!” Max grinned, coming back into the room. “That’s a ’fuck you Flyers’ if I ever saw one!” He laughed, bouncing on his feet like a child.
“Max!” Alex yelled again, glancing down at Evan, who was attempting to cover herself and hide her face, which he could see was blushing profusely; even in the faint light.
“Don’t worry about it Gogo… if there’s something there that I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it.” He smirked, looking over his shoulder as Jordan came into the room.
“Fucker! You totally stole that line from the Vampire Diaries, why are you watching that show anyway… loser.” Jordan laughed, shoving Max.
“Well you obviously watched it too, if you knew that. Retard.” He snapped back, returning his attention to a mortified Alex and Evan. Jordan followed his gaze, flicking on the lights to get a better view.
“Whoa! Whoa! Gogo… alright…” Jordan grinned, nodding, impressed.
“Could you please get out?” Alex sighed, sitting up and covering his face with his hands. When he looked back up, Max was shrugging at Jordan.
Jordan looked at Evan and seemed to feel some tiny bit of decency; finally grabbing Max and shoving him towards the opened door.
“Whatever…” Max complained as Jordan ushered him down the hall. “I got people to call anyway… things to do… ladies to pleasure…” Alex could hear Jordan snort in the distance, and he got up, moving across the room to slam the door and lock it.
“Fuck!” Alex spat, turning back around to look at Evan. She still had the comforter pulled tightly around her, but she was sitting up now, watching him.
It was all she could do, to stare at him. He was red-faced and angry, at himself for allowing his emotions to get the best of him. Evan saw his expression and recognized it as anger, but she assumed it was directed at her; maybe he was disgusted now that the lights were on and he remembered who he was with, remembered that she was getting married.
She wanted to pull the blanket off and stand, bare, before him, reach out for him and feel him hold her; their bodies returning to their rightful places - tangled, and twisted, and whole.
Evan wanted to tell him everything. She wanted to tell him that she still had feelings for him, that she was confused and afraid; that she might be making a mistake with Jeff.
No, she was making a mistake with Jeff. If she was so easily able to cheat on him, were they really right for each other? And if being with another man was so wrong, why did it feel so perfect with Alex?
She wanted to say it all, confess everything, but the tears took over. In a jumbled mess of frustration and hormones, the only word Alex could make out was “… mistake…”
He nodded, fully believing she was saying, what he was expecting her to say. “You’re right Evan, you’re right… this was a total mistake and I’m so, so sorry… I shouldn’t have… I don’t even know why that happened…” He lied, trying to save face, trying to hold together the remaining pieces of his friendship.
“What? Don’t you… do you not want to be with me?” She asked, her voice barely audible as she clutched the blanket around her.
Alex snorted, hoping she couldn’t see through him. “No, of course not… come on Evan, you know I don’t think about you like that anymore. I promise… things aren’t gonna be weird… you’re totally right.
This was just a huge mistake and we should just forget that it ever happened.”
Evan nodded along, not because she agreed, but because it was reasonable. Of course Alex didn’t feel that way about her anymore, didn’t she already know that?
For the first time that night, she felt naked. She glanced around the room quickly searching for her top; Alex, reading her mind, grabbed it and handed it to her. “I’ll umm… I’ll sleep on the couch though tonight, just so… you know…?” He said timidly, taking a step back from her.
“No… no… Alex, you don’t have to do that. I’m leaving anyway.” She decided quickly, as the words were spoken.
“Evan! You don’t have to leave-” Please don’t leave, were the words Alex was actually thinking. If she left, would she ever come back? Had his physical actions, seriously, just ended the most important relationship he had?
“No it’s ok Alex.. I really need to talk to Jeff anyway…” She said quietly, tugging her shirt on and trying to comb out her hair with her fingers.
“Do you want me to drive you?”
“No, I’ll just drive... I want to drive. I’ll call you tomorrow… ok?” She asked softly, biting her lip.
“Please do.”
“Good morning, Gogo!” Max shouted, coming down the stairs in nothing but a pair of boxers.
“Max, it’s three in the afternoon…” Alex sighed, returning his gaze back to nothing, as Chubby laid, unmoving, on the floor.
Max shrugged and moved into the kitchen. “Meh… anyway… where is the lucky lady friend?” He grinned, pulling open the kitchen door.
“She went home last night…” Alex said quietly, half-hoping Max didn’t hear him correctly.
But he did, and he froze in place. “Umm… ok… when I walked in, she was moaning your name… and then she just, took off?”
“We’re just friends-”
“Yah!” Max said loudly, cutting Alex off as he slammed the fridge door, “and I’m just ‘mildly‘ attractive and ‘ok‘ in bed.”
Alex snorted, feeling his face flush as anger began to pulse through him. “I don’t want to talk about this Max…” He grunted, pushing himself away from the table and heading upstairs.
Max followed, never letting up for a second. “Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you Gogo? You clearly don’t have the balls to seal the deal, so what, you don’t even have the balls to think about what you could have with this girl?” Max mocked, trying to rile Alex up enough to get an answer.
“Don’t you dare think that I don’t think about it, Max! Cause I do… all the fucking time, ok? But just because I want something, doesn’t make it right… it doesn’t give me the right to go out and take it.
Unlike you I know what boundaries are… and I won’t ever force Evan to cross them. Ever.”
“Yah well, it didn’t look like you were forcing her to do anything she didn’t want to do. And, might I remind you… she was calling for you, not him. You need to make a decision man… either go for it, or stop waiting for her.” Max pressed as Alex reached his bedroom.
“Why should I even listen to a word you’ve said… you don’t know anything about making decisions or being in love with someone.” Alex shot, moving to slam the door.
“Love, maybe not… but… decision making… sure.” He shrugged, as a small blond girl appeared in the hall.
“Maxime… are you coming back?” She cooed, causing Max to glance back at her.
“Yah, I’ll be right there…” He said, nonchalantly, as a brunette girl appeared beside her.
“I’m starving…” She complained, licking her lips at the French-man.
Alex snorted. “Right decisions… you can’t even decided between blond or brunette…” Alex closed the door and swiftly dropped down onto his bed.
“Not true! I decided on the blond and the brunette!” Max yelled, his voice muffled by the door as Alex groaned.
He pulled a pillow over his face and tried to ignore to multiple giggles coming out of the hallway; while trying also to forget the unforgettable.
ALSO... I do love the Vampire Diaries... yes... it's probably the most embarrassing thing in my life, something that I would lie about if anyone ever asked me in person. That being said... Damon... I love you... you sexy, sexy man.
12 years ago
omg! of course max had to barge in on them! i really really really hope evan is leaving jeff to go back to alex.
ReplyDeleteugh. max is such a cock block. Okay so Evan Def. needs to leave that douche jeff for alex. he's such a sweetie.
ReplyDeleteI love Max but the boy seriously needs to be slapped. Hopefully this is a wake up call for the both of them. Another great chapter
ReplyDeleteahhhh why why why...bad Max
ReplyDeleteplease let them be ok Evan and Alex need to be together
but it was a great update as usual
efff youuu max!
ugh why'd evan leave?! it's all max's fault.
but he's right. so after what you want!
I love Max and Jordan, and its true love! haha
ReplyDelete“and I’m just ‘mildly‘ attractive and ‘ok‘ in bed.”
^^best line ever? I think it might be
AND look whose actually reading a post on time! Badda Boom I'm on fire(:
amazing amazing amazing job once again!!!
and uh Alex and Evan, figure it out before I kick something and break my toe. Seriously
Okay, so if your willing to confess so am I. Damon = totally hot; what's his name from Never Back Down = totally hot; and Vampire Diaries is an excellent closeted obsession. :P
ReplyDeleteTo the more important matters...
I think for one of the first times EVER I have to throw the H word and hate Max this chapter. It was so incredibly hot until he ruined it. Ughhh.
He started to redeem himself by trying to convince Alex to just go after Evan and see the truth, but more grovelling is certainly necessary.
Gah, for knowing each other soo well these two are seriously blind. Its breakin' my heart. She wanted to stay, he didn't want her to go... ahhh.
Well done.. can't wait to see what happens when she calls Jeff... if she calls Jeff!
Ugh I am so torn with how I'm feeling about this. I'm super pissed that friggin Max and Staalsy had to burst in and ruin it, but I'm also happen that this made Evan see how much she truly wants Alex. Then I'm sad that she can't say it and that Alex lied and said it was a mistake. Ahhh you're making me bi-polar, Zigh :P
ReplyDeleteAnd, on a lighter note, I really REALLY wanna quote pretty much everything that Max said. I fucking love him and I was kind of LMFAO the whole entire end. I love the way you write him! It's so hysterical.
“Yah!” Max said loudly, cutting Alex off as he slammed the fridge door, “and I’m just ‘mildly‘ attractive and ‘ok‘ in bed.”
ooooh i agree.
ReplyDeletesean faris is sexbomb waiting to explode!
ReplyDeleteAlex, YOU IDIOT!!
Just tell her you looooove her!
Want her!
Jesus jesus stupid men!
GREAT update. I can't wait to see what happens next!!
ps. i watch vampire diaries too!! and Damon IS my favorite also. YUM.
So I was actually crying when i was reading this, but reading the part when Max walked in, I was laughing so hard. So thank you :) I feel so bad for Alex, but he should have told her about his feelings when he had the chance!
ReplyDeleteAnd, don't worry haha. I'm a big enough Vampire Diaries nerd that I'm probably going to die waiting for March 25.
Okay. Holy cow. Um, so... I guess I kinda got what I asked for in my comment on the previous post. It’s given Evan a lot to think about it, but Alex shouldn’t have lied. Uugh, it just breaks my heart, because they both want the same thing! They’re just not communicating!!
ReplyDeleteThe beginning, it was so hot. It was the most epic kiss EVER. It was ah may zing, emphasis on the zing. Seriously. I almost passed out when I read it. And reread it. And rereread it. Dear lord. I loved EVERY WORD and would quote it all if I could.
But, I don’t understand how they can share a moment like that and not think that the other didn’t want it to happen. You can’t act that way and not want it. I mean... geez louise, I can’t even THINK about that kiss without it getting ME all hot under the collar.
And then, let me just reiterate my initial thoughts: NO NO NO NO NO NO!! Max?!! WTF and GTFO! What a fucking cock blocker! I mean, I thought he wanted Gogo to get laid and whatnot, so why did he barge in on them and stand there and watch?! Like, seriously, Talbot, you need a swift kick to the head for that. I can’t believe he did that. And then call Jordan?! Uugh, what stupid boys.
The Great Miscommunication... that is what I’m dubbing this. Because Evan couldn’t coherently express her thoughts, and Alex misunderstood, but they so fucking belong together. How can they not see it? They’re best friends, they should know.... I guess they’re just so scared of losing it that they’re afraid to take that leap of faith. But please take the leap! Alex, I know you don’t want to push Evan, but she could use that little nudge.
Of course, I have to mention how hilarious this is again: “and I’m just ‘mildly‘ attractive and ‘ok‘ in bed.”
“while trying also to forget the unforgettable.” You can’t forget it, Alex.
UUUUUUUGGHHH. Now what’s going to happen?! Tomorrow can’t get here soon enough. I think I’m in even more suspense. Is she going to tell the douche? Are they going to pretend it never happened? Are things going to be awkward? MUST KNOW NOW!!!
Okay first of all Alex, you know you live with 2 immature goof balls. Why wasn't the door LOCKED already?
ReplyDeleteBut mostly Max what a douche you were in this chapter. You walk in on Alex and the girl you know is the love of his life than turn it into a sideshow. Let's make rude comments, make her feel like a slut, then call Staal so he can turn on the lights and make it worse. I could have slapped both of them alot!
Then Max has the nerve to ask where she went? Alex should have told him the truth she left because you ruined the best thing that's happened to us in a looong time.
But I loved everything until Max showed up! At first I thought it was Jeff at the door, that would have been better. It would have forced them all to face the truth.
I know this whole not giving us the outcome we want right now is what makes you such a great writer... but you are driving me crazy!
Oh gosh darn it Max... way to ruin shit...
ReplyDeleteOk, now the seed is planted in both their minds... She just needs to see through Jeff and get the fuck outta Dodge!
Loved the chapter!
On a side note, we were at the game last night and, I don't know about the rest of you, but we loveto sort of heckle the boys when they park and when they leave. And I finally got Gogo toacknowledge me last night! This is a big step, because he rarely says anything... to anyone... I'm going to try for a smile on Sunday!
If ever there was a (comic?) foil in this story it would have to be Max...loved this chapter, but I am so sad about the misinterpretations between Evan and Alex about their feelings, argh!
ReplyDeleteFabulous writing, as always!