This update is fantastically awesome… and no, that doesn’t make me conceited! I only wrote like… 1/10 of it… the awesome parts were all thanks to your friendly-neighbourhood-Gogo-lover, Jay!
I would say I hope you enjoy it but… when she writes, enjoyment is assumed, not questionable =) Everyone say thank you!!
Between You And Me - Ctrlaltrock original
Evan had remained calm through the whole ride home, the high of finding out the truth, keeping her spirits up.
It wasn’t until she was climbing up the stairs to her bed room, that she realized how naked her left hand felt, and how cold it was in the house.
How lonely, that giant empty bed would be, without Jeff.
Even if she hated him now, even if she despised him and felt dirty and used, what was she supposed to do now? “Are you gonna be ok?” Alex asked quietly from behind her as she entered her room.
She turned back around to look at him, his eyes full of concern as he came to a halt just outside the door.
And then she was crying. She tried to hide it, moving quickly to conceal her pain from Alex as he stared after her.
She moved into the bathroom, tugging off her clothing and grabbing for the discarded, raggy, Flyer’s shirt on the floor.
Evan tugged it on and moved back into the room, praying that Alex was still there, while silently hoping that he wasn’t.
She didn’t want him to see her like that, but she didn’t want to be alone. She didn’t want to be without him.
Alex felt hopeless, useless, what could he do? He hated feeling so incapable, so impotent. He looked away from Evan’s tears, his mind filling with anger. She shouldn’t have been the one crying tonight.
He wanted to kill Jeff for what he’d done. He wanted to go and hunt him down and pulverise him; show him that he couldn’t treat someone like that, especially not Evan. Especially not Evan.
At that thought Alex looked back up at her, exhaling deeply as he watched her body shake lightly with the pain that was raking through her. She moved further away from him, dragging her feet towards the bed, before falling limp onto it. “Why?” She groaned finally, the word raspy and barley audible as it struggled it’s way through her parted lips. “What did I do? Why would he do this?”
“No! No, no, no!” Alex moaned, quickly, moving into the room and crawling onto the bed beside her.
He pulled her towards him and clutched on to her - her arms reddening underneath his powerful grasp - as he gently shook her. “This is not your fault, Evan. You did nothing wrong, he’s the fucking dog! So don’t you go blaming yourself for what that arrogant bastard does.”
She shook her head, tilting it away from Alex, knowing there was no way she could move her body; not with the hold he had on her. “You’re wrong… I should have done more… maybe if I was better-”
“Stop it! Evan, there is no better. You think that home-wrecking whore is better than you? Really? Cause as someone who’s known you his whole life, I can guarantee that you’re perfection, babe. They don’t make ’em any better than you.”
Another painful sob escaped her as she brought her eyes up to meet his. “I know I said I wouldn’t but… I feel so… so… so fucking worthless, Alex. I feel so gross, and used, and repulsive.”
He nodded slowly, so unaware and yet fully perceptive to everything that she was feeling in that moment.
“You’re not worthless… and you’re not gross or repulsive.” He searched her eyes, everything she’d ever felt laid open to him as he pulled her up towards him. He kissed her.
He kissed her like he was about to lose everything, and she was the only one that could save him. He kissed her like it was the last thing he’d ever do, or ever could do.
He released his hands, dropping his holding on her arms for a minute, before wrapping her in his own.
She kissed him back, just as fiercely, clutching on to him; too afraid to let go. “I need to get out of this house.” She groaned as she pulled her lips away and Alex slid his face down to her neck, digging his teeth into her neck. “We need to leave.”
Alex pulled back, still holding her in his arms as he nodded. “Ok, let’s go… what do you need?”
“I need to shower and…” She trailed off looking around her at the room she shared with her ex-fiancé, “… umm… I don’t know… clothing…”
“You go shower and I’ll pack some stuff for you..” He said, pushing himself off the bed and leaving her sitting there, in nothing but Jeff’s dirty, old, t-shirt.
Suddenly, she needed it off of her more than anything else. She grabbed the filthy hem and tugged it over her head; completely unconcerned by the knowledge that without the shirt, she’d be naked in front of Alex.
She glanced over at him, once the shirt was discarded; to find that he was pointedly looking away, his jaw locked into place. Getting up quickly, she moved towards the bathroom, reaching into the shower to turn it on.
Alex moved to close the door, politely trying to give Evan some privacy, and frantically trying to keep his wits about him. “No.” Evan said quietly as she held out a hand, stopping him. “Don’t close it, I don’t want to be alone… please don’t leave me alone.”
Nodding Alex reached out for her offered hand, taking a step towards her. He stared down at her, searching her face for something, anything that would tell him what he was suppose to do for her.
He knew what he wanted to do, but what she needed didn’t seem so clear anymore.
Finally she turned around and headed into the steaming shower, not letting go of his hand until she was under the hot liquid.
He watched the clear, clean water flow down her body; reacting on instinct, he began to undress.
He stepped in behind her once he was naked, licking his lips in a nervous habit. She wasn’t doing anything, except standing under the shower head, watching him.
Evan didn’t bother trying to wash or wipe away the emotional dirt she could feel on the surface her skin. No, in fact, neither of them bothered with the pretence of bathing at all. Even after what Jeff had done, and the kiss they’d just shared, no words had been directly spoken, about what was going to happen; but it looked like it was happening nonetheless, and they were both distinctly aware of it. If Evan had wanted to stop it, she could have let him shut to door, or asked him not to come in; Alex would have backed off if she truly wanted him to. But she didn’t ask, so he didn’t stop.
Instead of reaching for her loofah or bottle of sweet-smelling shampoo, Alex placed his right hand at her side above her hip, keeping a respectful distance between their bodies, and then he laced the fingers of his left hand through her damp hair. He tugged lightly but with just enough force to tilt her face up toward his.
Evan’s breaths were shallow, knowing what was coming next. He touched his forehead to hers, his hot breath hitting her lips as he slowly moved his face closer. Their noses rubbed together before she elevated her chin and softly pressed her lips against his. With that single gesture of reciprocated emotion, Alex jumped into action and pulled her soft body against his hard chest.
Alex let go of her just long enough to reach up and press his thumb against her chin. She followed his lead and opened her mouth to him, allowing him to swipe his tongue along her teeth. Evan stood on her toes and held onto the back of his neck, trying to keep up with his pace. He devoured her mouth, sucking the breath from her lungs until she had to break away and gasp for air.
He wasn’t done kissing her, but he also knew that she was panting; to compromise, Alex dragged his lips to her neck, to where they had been before. As close as they were now, it was automatic and natural for him to find that spot on her neck that made Evan moan with want. He knew that spot well; he’d placed many hickeys there dating back to their high school years.
She ran her fingers through his short, dark hair before she clawed at his back. That spot was like an on switch, and whenever Alex placed his mouth there, it didn’t take long for her to beg for more. Jeff didn’t know about that spot and didn’t seem to care about finding it either, which was to his own detriment. Evan clutched onto Alex as his teeth gently dug into her flesh, and he felt her pulse quicken through her carotid.
The water gushing from the showerhead continued to pound down on their bodies, but neither of them seemed to notice. All they could feel was the heat emanating from each other’s bodies as they pushed up against one another. Evan could feel as Alex’s erection sprang to life, pressing firmly against her hip.
His hands cupped her breasts, massaging and squeezing them as she leaned back against the cool tile of the shower. “Oh, yes, Alex,” she moaned, arching her back and giving him free reign of her body. He looked up at her, making eye contact as his thumbs circled around her hard nipples.
“Evan, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he mumbled, unable to hold back his emotions as he dipped his head to suck her pert nipple into her mouth. His hot tongue swirled around it and flicked before he bit softly to evoke another moan from her parted lips. Alex did the same with her other breast, kissing and tasting her soft, supple flesh. She tasted better than he remembered.
As much as she was enjoying Alex’s handiwork, Evan didn’t forget to do her part. She reached down and curled her fingers around Alex’s hardening dick, one by one, using the water running down his body to aid her movements and she brought her hand up and down his length. He was so big that Evan couldn’t completely close her hand around his girth, but it still made him pause as he tried to collect himself and hold back. He’d started out just wanting to touch and taste her, but now all he could think about was burying himself inside of her slick heat.
Before he could take that step, he knew that he had to make sure she was ready. It wasn’t enough to be well-endowed; he had to know how to use it, too. After all, he wanted to give as much pleasure as he knew he was going to receive. To do just that, Alex pressed Evan up against the cool tile of the shower. Her skin was wet and she slid against the slippery surface, so he pinned her in place. Evan’s body tingled and hummed from the contact of his body against hers, bringing back a lot of old memories that she thought she had forgotten.
She placed one of her feet on the edge of the tub to give him better access to her sweet spot. Alex cupped the vee between her legs, lightly dragging his fingers back and forth along her slit and teasing her until Evan reached behind her and planted her hands against the wall in order to push her body against his hand, needing more intense caresses.
When she started to whimper, wordlessly demanding for more, he used his thumb and forefinger to clamp down on her clit. “Oh, Ale... uh. Mmm,” she mumbled, unable to form a full, coherent word. He rolled that hard nub between his fingers, tugging and squeezing it, too. She threw her head back and licked her lips, and Alex went back to kissing and sucking on her exposed neck, a bruise already starting to form where his teeth had bitten down. His expert hands erased any ability she had to speak or even think. All she could do now was feel as he spread her legs apart further so he could insert one finger into her awaiting opening.
One finger slid in without a problem, but two was enough to fill her. Slowly and steadily, Alex pumped his fingers into Evangeline until she moaned. That spurred him on to add a third finger as he tried to stretch her opening in preparation for his hard, thick cock. This time, instead of continuing to moan, Evan gasped at the added pressure and slight burning sensation. It hurt, but it was a good kind of hurt.
Alex looked into her face, seeing how her teeth dug into her bottom lip and the way her eyes were pinched shut. He recognized her pained expression and reluctantly asked, “Do you want me to stop?”
Evan shook her head with quick, rapid snaps of her neck, but her expression never changed. She knew that this was necessary, because it was going to hurt. But she also knew that once the pain subsided, it was going to feel really, really good. It was going to be worth it.
Alex’s hand increasingly moved faster and faster, harder and harder until Evan’s body shook from the force. When she spoke next, her voice vibrated. “Now, Alex. I think I’m ready now.”
“Hold onto me,” he instructed, and she did as he commanded. She grabbed onto his broad, strong shoulders, and he grabbed the back of her smooth thighs, raising her into the air at an angle for him to enter her.
As he began to lower Evan onto his throbbing, aching erection, she shrieked. “Oh, God. I forgot just how big you are.”
Alex nodded, trying to be understanding of her plight, but he wanted to be inside her so badly. He felt like he needed to be with her more than he needed air. Once again, he slowly tried to enter her, not wanting to hurt or rush her, but once the head of his dick was inside her pussy, he didn’t know if he could stop himself from pushing fully inside her.
It was almost like Evan could read his mind. “Just do it,” she begged breathlessly, mentally preparing herself for the jolt she knew would follow.
He allowed gravity to take over as she slid onto him. He grunted and she yelped, digging her nails into his shoulder and piercing his skin in reaction to the sharp pain. “I’m sorry, Evan,” he growled into the crook of her neck and her wet, matted hair. He did feel bad for her, knowing from past experience that this wasn’t pleasant for her, but he was overwhelmed with the physical sensations. “God, you’re so tight. You feel so good.”
“I’m okay,” she groaned, even though it felt like he was splitting her in two. It had been three, maybe four years since they’d last done it; her body had once adapted to Alex’s large size, but it had been so long that her body had forgotten.
Alex knew better. He could tell by how she latched onto his shoulders that she was hurting. Pushing her back against the wall, he gained leverage so he could reach between their bodies and find her clit again. He kept his pelvis still, staying inside her, as he rubbed his thumb against her pleasure center, writing the Arabic numeral three over and over against her clit and as if it would permanently leave his mark.
After a few moments of his attentive touching, repeatedly rubbing with just the right amount of pressure, Evan felt the pain dissipate and passion take over. She tried to move her hips, but she was sandwiched between a body and the wall, and therefore couldn’t. “Please,” she purred, cupping the back of his neck and bringing their mouths together again.
His tongue slipped into her mouth again as he pulled out slowly, holding her hips in place as he started to gently fuck her. Alex started with slow, short strokes, making sure that Evan was okay with that before he used a little more force to push into her. Soon, he was pounding into her, slamming her against the tile as he humped her like a dog in heat, the sound of her ass thumping against the wall drowned out by her screams echoing through the bathroom. Her orgasm built up and overtook her, sending her body into a fit of spontaneous convulsions.
He slid out of Evan and made sure that she could stand before he let go of her. “Wow, Alex, that was amazing. Better than I remember,” she breathed, a blithe smile crossing her face.
“Do you think we’re finished?” he asked, his voice deep and gruff with want.
Her mouth fell open into an O, and Alex took advantage of her shock by turning her around and bending her over. He guided his still throbbing dick into her from behind. Evan braced herself against the wall as he slid back into her hot pussy, hitting her G-spot as he pushed himself as far in as he physically could.
He held onto her hips, first moving her body forward and away from him as he simultaneously withdrew. Then he pulled her back toward him and thrust into her. Alex was in complete control of both their bodies, moving them how he wanted; Evan was merely along for the ride. Every time he drove into her, he repeated her name, “Evan, Evan, Evan.” It felt so good that he didn’t feel the stinging sensation from the water flowing over the cuts on his back and shoulders.
She climaxed again before he felt his body get close. “I’m gonna come,” he told her, not sure how to finish. In college, they always used protection, but they hadn’t used enough foresight today to be prepared.
He started to slow down his thrusts, wondering what she wanted him to do. He figured should just pull out, and began to push himself away from her body, but she purred him on.
“It’s ok… just keep going.” She moaned her hands sliding along the wet, shower wall, in an attempt to gain leverage. “I want you to come in me… stay in me.”
As if her words had magic pull, Alex slammed himself in one last time, before his cock began to twitch and jolt with the force of his orgasm.
Evan could feel him, deep inside her, the frothy heat of his come pouring into her; while his fingers dug into her hips.
They both stopped moving, Alex still holding onto her as he took a few deep breaths to steady himself before sliding his hands up her smooth, damp side. He pulled himself out of dripping, hot slit with a quiet groan, before pulling her up against his chest.
He kissed the top of her head, wrapping his long, strong arms around her as she relaxed against him.
Both content.
12 years ago
So that was kind of amazing! It was probably one of my favorite chapters.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I still thinks he needs to tell her that he knew that Jeff was cheating on her. I'm so happy that these two are finally together but I'm scared that Alex not being honest with her is going to ruin everything!
Once again that was PERFECT and I can't wait for the next upgate!
ReplyDeleteThat was amazing. Ooft I think I need a cold shower now haha.
Fantastic chapter ladies =)
At last.
ReplyDeleteHot damn, that's all I have to say right now.
ReplyDeleteamazing....and very hot
great update ladies
ReplyDeletethats all I can say
ReplyDeleteMy friend msged me and asked me if I'd read this yet. I said I'd get to it during the first intermission of the canda/Germany game. Her response told me all I needed to know: 'It's what you've been waiting for...'
She was right, it was. And it was worth the wait!
Picturing Goose all naked and wet... glorious images in my mind!
But Iagree that he needs to come clean before Jeff can cause a problem! You know he'll try* Well, of course you'll know what he's gonna do, it's your story* LOL
WONERFUL update!! Le sigh*
wow. just wow.
ReplyDeleteWOW! FREAKING WOW!!!!
ReplyDeleteyeh that update was HOT. i just hope alex dont screw this up with her
ReplyDeleteFantastically awesome is right.
Well worth the wait. Well, done ladies.
Can't wait to see what's next!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU. : D
WOW...That was great? umm EXCELLENT? You know, words along that line.
I love them together : )
This, LADIES, was amazing!!
Thank you!!
That's not what I thought the title meant! That was... I don't even know a word to describe it. So I'll go with intense!
ReplyDeleteBut I was sure he was going to tell her the truth. Now they better get out of there.I'm amazed Jeff hasn't shown up before now. You know he isn't just going to let this go.
ReplyDeleteeffin-a. that's all I've got, here to say. effin-a.
Zigh you already know you're amazing! And Jay I'm sure does too... but that blew me out of the water. Wow...
ReplyDeleteI LOVED IT!
Brain = dead.
ReplyDeleteBoth of you ladies are fucking amazing.