I just saw this today, for the first time ever... I'm sure some of you have already seen this but, I laughed so hard... it had to be shared! Date night...
Bucket - Kings Of Leon
“Alex…?” Evan said timidly, reaching out to run her hands down his arms. “Are you ok?”
Alex nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. “Yah, I’m ok… and no… he was just talking about the game…” He lied, hoping she couldn’t tell that he was dying inside.
“Really?” She smiled, moving to stand beside, interlocking her arm through his and moving beside him as they headed around to the front of the building. “I talked to him about that… told him to be nice but… I didn’t think he’d listen. Maybe it means he’s actually growing up…” She said, grinning to herself at the prospect.
“Yah… maybe…”
“Alex, are you sure you’re ok? You look so… off.” Evan said, coming to a stop again and forcing Alex to face her. He nodded slowly, unable to do anything else, other than use every ounce of strength he had, to stop himself from telling her everything.
It probably made him a horrible friend. The fact that he would hide something like this from her, he didn’t want to, he wanted to tell her the truth; but it seemed so self-serving.
Maybe, having been caught, Jeff would change… maybe he’d be better… maybe he’d become the type of guy Evan deserved to have. After all, he was what she wanted so, who was Alex to interfere?
At that though, Alex looked up, his eyes leaving Evan’s face and catching sight of a very scared looking Carter, standing in the parking lot - watching them. At least he looked scared, that had to mean something, right? Alex thought desperately, releasing his hold on Evan and spinning her around. “Looks like someone’s waiting for you.” He said, trying to sound nonchalant as he lead her towards Jeff.
Evan nodded, smiling at her fiancé as they got closer. Jeff’s face moved from a look of confusion, to relief, as he made eye-contact with her. “Ready to go then?” She asked as she came to a stop in front of him.
Jeff nodded, grabbing for the passenger door and opening it for Evan.
She climbed in, and he closed the door, turning around to look at Alex; uncertainty and thanks blazing in his eyes. “It stops now…” Alex said quietly, carefully making sure that his face didn’t show any anger or animosity.
Jeff nodded, turning his back on Evan, who was now fiddling with the radio. “You have my word…” He said quietly, but Alex shook his head.
“I don’t want your word… your word is shit to me. You gave her your word, when you gave her that ring and moved her down here.
Don’t think that because I didn’t tell her, I think you deserve her. I didn’t tell her because I don’t want to hurt her… but I will… if you ever fuck around again.” Alex said firmly, nothing but honesty in his voice as he spoke.
He glanced up just as Evan was turning to look out the window at him. He smiled, giving her a small wave before he turned around and headed out towards the way he’d come.
Jeff walked around the front of his truck and climbed into the driver’s side. “We should go get something to eat on our way home.” Evan suggested once he had the door closed.
He nodded, pulling the vehicle into drive and spinning out of the parking spot.
“Sounds good… where do you want to go?” He asked, still feeling nervous that any second she was going to flip out and start attacking him.
“I don’t care… wherever you want. Oh… and thank you…” She smiled, reaching across the bench seat to squeeze his knee.
“For what?” He asked slowly, taking a quick glance at her.
She shrugged. “I asked you to be nice to Alex and… he said you weren’t being mean during the game so… thank you for making an effort… it means a lot to me.”
Jeff gave her a sheepish grin. “No problem… speaking of being such a great guy… I did score twice today…” He hinted slowly, his grin widening. “And you said…” He trailed off, glancing over at her again.
Rolling her eyes, Evan couldn’t help but giggle a little, and here she thought he’d forgotten.
She waited a few more minutes until they were out of the downtown area, and back on the highway, before undoing her seatbelt and sliding across the bench seat towards him.
He lifted himself up a tiny but, adjusting himself as he undid the buttons on his dress pants. Evan did the rest, pulling the zipper down and gently tugging his already, hard dick, out of his pants. Jeff let out a sigh as Evan brushed her long hair back, leaning forward until she was almost laying across the seat.
He braced himself as her lips gently parted on the head of his cock, her tongue slowly tracing small circles around the sensitive flesh.
He groaned as she pushed her head down further, the wet, warm, soft skin of her mouth sending waves of pleasure through his body as he tried to focus on the road.
Evan let out a gentle moan as her lips finished their journey down his dick, gently brushing the skin on his pelvis. The moan caused him to shiver as he exhaled loudly, every tiny twitch or movement she made, invoked a new response from him.
He let her go at her own pace for a few minutes, before he rolled down the window a tiny bit; he was getting heated and he didn’t feel like sweating again, so soon after a shower. He rested one hand on the top of the steering wheel, and the other on the top of her head. He tilted his head back, enough that he could rest comfortably against the seat, but still enough that he could watch the road, semi-safely.
Jeff started to breath through his nose, deeply, trying to focus on the feel of each breath and not the feel of each languid suck of Evan. She heard this, the tell-tale sign that Jeff was getting close to coming, so she began to move with quicker, jerky movements.
She felt his dick begin to twitch and she glanced up to see him grimace with the force of his orgasm.
It shot out, quickly filling her mouth with the thick, bitter liquid. She tried to drink it down, ignoring the taste as best she could.
When she was sure he was done, she pulled away and wiped the corners of her mouth with her thumb and forefinger. Jeff reached down, pushing his flaccid dick back into his pants and redoing them, before reaching over to messy up her hair.
She sighed and buckled the middle seatbelt across her lap, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes, as Jeff continued to drive.
He knew that he should probably feel bad or guilty about what just happened, hell, most guys would. Luckily for him though, Jeff wasn’t most guys. He turned his head enough to kiss the top of Evan’s head, smiling to himself as he did so.
So maybe Goligoski knew some things that Jeff would rather him not know, but really, he felt safe enough… and besides, what did he have to feel bad about? He had never actually lied to Evan about anything, he honestly did tell her when he was going over to fuck Scottie‘s wife… well, maybe not in those words.
At the end of the day though, if she couldn’t taste another bitch on his dick, wasn’t that her own problem?
I Can’t Unlove You - Kenny Rogers
“How did you not tell her?!” Max yelled, pacing back and forth across the living room.
Alex was situated beside Jordan on the couch, watching the agitated forward work himself up.
“Just sit down Max, it’s not a big deal…” Jordan sighed, taking Alex’s side for the first time in the ‘Evan discussion’.
“Not a big deal?!” He asked loudly, incredulity, coming to a stop in front of them. “I hand him gold… fucking platinum… and he does nothing! He sits there and lets Carter walk away with her.
Doesn’t she deserve to know? I would have told her myself, but, I figured it’d be better to hear it from you…”
“No!” Alex yelled, lividly as he jumped onto his feet. “You don’t tell her! You can’t…” He shook his head, too angry to even form any more words. He let out a groan and stormed out of the living room, taking the stairs two at a time.
He continued down the stairs, not stopping, not even when Chubby let out a hiss; Alex’s stride just barely missing the slinking cat.
He walked into his room, slamming the door and moving over to flop down on his bed.
It just wasn’t fair. He hadn’t done anything wrong, and yet, he was the one everyone was mad at. Carter was the liar, the cheater, the jerk… but yet, it was Alex’s responsibility to make things right?
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to… he just didn’t think it was the right thing to do. He didn’t bothering thinking about the fact that, if it was him, he’d want to know. He continued on the same role of ‘bystander’, someone that would be there for Evan if she needed him, but he wouldn’t be the barer of bad news.
Plus, there was always the chance that she’d stay with him, what would Alex do then? This way, he could selfishly imagine what would happen when the truth came out; ideally, her leaving Jeff and coming to him.
As much as Alex hated to admit it, there was always the chance that she’d forgive Jeff and then where would he be?
“Yah I’ll just have a diet coke please…” Evan said to the waitress, before glancing across the table at Jeff as he fiddled with something in his pocket. “So… what do you want to do tonight? We should stop on the way home and get a movie.”
“Ah, I’d love to but… I told… Richards that I’d go hang out with him tonight. Game Friday and then seeing him again on Saturday and Sunday... you know... guys weekend and junk.” Jeff said, stumbling slightly over his captains’ name as he switched it out on the spot. He didn’t want to run the risk of saying Hartnell and having Evan mention it to Goligoski.
Fuck him, Jeff thought as he pulled out a pack of Mentos below the table. He hated the fact that he had to lie about where he was going before; well, he wasn’t exactly honest before but… it was easier to keep the infidelity straight when he was using the real name.
Evan looked away, trying to hide her disappointment. She nodded slowly as her eyes scanned the restaurant, watching all the other people interacting with each other.
When she glanced back she saw that the waitress had placed their drinks on the table, but hers was fizzing uncontrollably. Evan gasped, reaching for a handful of napkins and trying to soak up the pop that was now overflowing on the table.
Jeff laughed lightly, causing Evan to look at him, irritated. “Did you do something to my drink?”
“Nope.” He said quickly, grinning.
Evan lifted up the glass and stared at it. “So… you didn’t drop a Mentos into this?”
“Alright then. So, if I look into your pocket, there aren't gonna be Mentos wrappers in there?”
Jeff shook his head, his hands moving quickly under the table as he discarded the rest of his candies on the floor. “Jeff! You just dropped them on the floor!” Evan complained, she glanced underneath the table and sighed. “I can see them…”
“I’m not sure I like what you’re implying…” Jeff said, trying to sound as dignified as possible. Evan sighed and looked down at the floor again, trying to push the small, white, candies off to one side of the floor, when she heard a plop.
“Damnit Jeff!” She sighed as she watched her drink re-fizz, to the amusement of her fiancé.
She shook her head as he busted out into a loud belly laugh, ignoring her looks of anger.
And her she had thought she made so much progress. It was almost making no sense now; Jeff was willing to be mature with Alex, but back to his old self with her?
And since when did he spend time with Mike Richards outside of the rink?
They sat in silence for a few minutes before their food came. Jeff dug into his plate but Evan didn't, she just picked at her fries with a fork, not really taking anything in. "Hey babycakes... why don't you ah... go see Goligoski this weekend or something?" Jeff said, thinking the words as they came to him.
Of course! It was the perfect out... Goligoski wasn't about to say anything if he got to see Evangeline, and besides, he didn't think she'd cheat on him again... she felt too guilty about it the last time. Yes, this was the perfect plan. It took care of Goligoski, Evangeline, and freed up Jeff's weekend. And face it, he had some serious plans with Sarah Hartnell.
12 years ago
Ugh, Jeff is such a waste of skin [in the story at least--I'm not making real-life judgments]. I understand where Alex is coming from, but I can't say that I would have made the same choice as him to not be honest with his best friend.
ReplyDelete^^ So right, about the not making judgements...
ReplyDeleteBut, instead of skin, I was thinking space... lol
And I can't believe he didn't tell her. And that Jeff is just going to... well, no, I do believe that!
Can we have a little something happen between Goose and Evan... pretty please? Or at least have the truth come out* I'm dyin' here*
Good god Carter. Fucking get a conscious. And Alex needs to man up and tell her. Its the best thing for both of them. Personally, I think Sarah Hartnell should grow a conscious and tell her husband and Evan. In front of the Pens and Flyers. Don't ask me how the hell that would happen, I just think it should haha.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful job yet again(:
Fucking Carter. How is this man existing in your story world with no conscious? No morals? No sense of right and wrong? How the hell is he living?! Ughh he just pisses me off so much. He needs to 1.) grow the fuck up and 2.) get the fuck out. Because he's no good for Evan or anyone for that matter. Seriously, get a life.
ReplyDeleteUghhh Alex!<3 I know this is tearing you apart, but I think you have to tell Evan. She'll believe you and she needs to hear it from someone she cares about and who cares about her.
Love the update, Zigh. (:
ReplyDeleteAlex should have busted his bubble!
Just sayin'
He was ohhh soooo scared and then Alex didn't tell!
ARRGGGHHHH he makes me mad!
But I think if he sends Evan to Alex, Alex will HOPEFULLY know something is up??
wow how much more worse can jeff get in this story? same with sarah hartnell shes in the same boat as jeff.
ReplyDeletegod i hope alex tells evan soon, or jeff does. someone needs to freaking tell her!
“He lied, hoping she couldn’t tell that he was dying inside.” :(
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad at this whole scene, where Alex doesn't tell Evan. Sad because of everything he's sacrificing for himself, for Evan. Honestly, part of me wants to call him a pussy for not speaking up and TRYING, because instead of going out on a limb and risking it all, he'd rather just think that if she found out on her own, she'd come to him. He's stuck in this alternate universe, in his mind—when if he tried, if he spoke up and said something, maybe his reality would be just as good as what he dreams about in his head. Maybe I identify with that a little too much, and that's why it saddens me so.... Major sad face.
And, of course, there's the notion that he'd willing give up his own happiness to ensure hers. Any person on this Earth that would do that is a good person, in my book. And Alex Goligoski is the best <3
“I don’t want your word… your word is shit to me. You gave her your word, when you gave her that ring and moved her down here.
Don’t think that because I didn’t tell her, I think you deserve her. I didn’t tell her because I don’t want to hurt her… but I will… if you ever fuck around again.”
^^This little speech, I loved. I can't even express why or how much. Just know, I loved it.
And Jeff... every time I think my hatred of him can know no further bounds... my loathing grows.
Part of me really wants Max to just tell Evan, so it's out in the open and there's no more hiding.
“He hadn’t done anything wrong, and yet, he was the one everyone was mad at. Carter was the liar, the cheater, the jerk… but yet, it was Alex’s responsibility to make things right?”
^^I agree with ya, buddy; you haven't done anything wrong. But you should have told her, because she's your friends. And “friends” means doing the unpleasant for the sake of your friend... you should know all about that, because you do the unpleasant all the time for Evan, i.e. let her be with Carter instead of you. It's not fair that you're letting Evan live under a false impression of Carter; however, I know that you're doing it because you don't want her to be devastated. It's a tricky situation you find yourself in, Mr. Goligoski, where the right thing is a gray area.
“As much as Alex hated to admit it, there was always the chance that she’d forgive Jeff and then where would he be?”
^^And my answer to this is, you'd find a better place. You can want the best for Evan, but if she'll want what she wants. And if she wants to pick Carter over you, then, well, you deserve someone better suited for you. Someone who WANTS you. Because you're a great guy, and there's a lovely lady out there that will want you and appreciate you. Maybe said lady is Evan. I guess we'll find out....
Poor Evan. Carter's still being a douche—he hasn't learned a damn thing. What a sense of entitlement on that fellow. And the drink, I mean, wtf?! What are we, ten?
“It was almost making no sense now; Jeff was willing to be mature with Alex, but back to his old self with her?
And since when did he spend time with Mike Richards outside of the rink?”
^^She's starting to see something's up. And what's Alex gonna think when Evan comes over, when he hears that Carter's okay with them spending alone time together again? The plot thickens....
Can't wait for tonight! Have I said lately how much I love this story, and how much I appreciate the fact that you're writing it? <3 you, Zigh!!!!
Great update as usual. The complexities in the storyline are baffling and mirror real life so well. I hope it works out but know you are likely going to jerk our hearts around some more :P
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for more.
I am slightly beside myself that I could so intensely dislike a man such as Jeff Carter, but you have written his character so realistically that it is hard not to put the hate on him.
ReplyDeleteI do wish Alex would have said something to Evan, but I have a feeling that all will come out in due time. Fabulous writing, as always, Zigh!