Just saying... if Jeff Carter doesn't make you /facepalm, several times through this update... I fail as a writer lol
True Love Way - Kings of Leon
When Alex and Evangeline headed to Mellon Arena, she was back on the phone with Jeff - arguing - and Alex had Amelia’s phone number safely tucked into his wallet.
He had been surprised when she’d offered it to him, but even more surprising, was the fact that he had been excited to receive it.
Evangeline had seemed surprised too, but not upset, at least Alex didn’t think so. She seemed more upset about whatever was going on with Jeff… which Alex supposed only made sense.
After all, Evan had already moved on with her life; Alex was the one not going anywhere. “So, you guys are going out tonight?” Evan asked once she had hung up the phone on Jeff.
“Yah, that’s the plan I guess… you wanna come with?” Alex asked, taking a sideway glance at his best friend.
She snorted at the notion. “Nice date, Alex. And no thanks, Jeff’s gonna be back early so, he’s picking me up after the game.”
“What was he so mad about?” Alex asked at length, wondering if he actually wanted to know or not.
“The dress. He’s mad that I picked the one we decided on, instead of, one of the ones he liked… like his dresses counted as picks…” She sighed, shaking her head.
Alex suppressed the urge to say something, with great difficulty.
They moved through the hallways, Evan waving goodbye to Alex and heading off to kill time before the game, while he headed down to the locker room. “GOGO!” Jordan shouted as he pushed the door open.
“Hey guys… sorry I’m a bit late-” He started to say, but was cut off by a loud curse from Kris Letang.
“Fuck!” Kris yelled, rubbing his eyes. “Who put baby powder on the towels?”
“Oh come on guys!” Sidney yelled as the rest of the guys started to laugh. “Not before a game!”
“Hey Jo, Jo, come here… you need to see this!” Jordan yelled, holding open the door and ushering Tanger’s, girlfriend into the room. She started to laugh as Kris sighed, running her fingers through the pink highlights in her hair.
“Kris, baby, too much. What did I tell you about using my face wash sparingly? It’s expensive…” She giggled, grabbing a clean towel off the wall and walked towards him. The act itself wasn't intimate or inappropriate, but when Tanger looked up at the small girl and their eyes locked, Alex felt the need to look away; like he was intruding on something personal. Something that brought up scars, the kind that just wouldn't heal.
Max made a gagging sound as she helped him clean up, averting his attention back toward Alex. “So what took you so long? Finally fuck E?”
“First off, don’t call her E, you're not friends, and secondly, no… I didn’t. She’s getting married, you guys know this.” Alex scolded, turning around towards his stall and beginning to change. He didn’t bother mentioning that he had had sex with Evan many, many times before.
Jordan snorted from beside him. “Yah, right, you just like her company…”
“I do, actually.” Alex agreed, ignoring the sarcasm in his voice.
“Is she here then?” Jordan pressed, his question earning unwanted attention from the rest of the room. Only Jo and Kris had the decency to not stare at him directly.
Alex nodded, causing Max to whistle. “She coming out with us tonight?” He grinned, giving Alex a shove.
“No. Jeff’s picking her up after the game, and I have plans, so I’m not going out with you either.” He clarified, slightly hoping someone would ask him what his plans were; then maybe they’d lay off him if they knew he had a date.
“Oh… Jeff?! Is that his name…?” Max gasped, rolling the word around his tongue. “Jeff… Jeee-f… Jefffff… yep, he sounds like a fag.” He decided after a minute, nodding to himself thoughtfully, as if he'd just figured out some life-saving concept.
“Ugh! Stop being such an idiot! And… and he happens to be a…” Alex bit his lip. He didn’t want to lie but also didn’t have anything positive to say about Evan’s betrothed. “He’s… not gay.” He finished meekly; unable to stop himself from wishing that Jeff was, in fact, interested in men.
“So wait then…” Jordan asked after a minute. “If she’s going home with him… then what are you doing?”
“Yah!” Tyler Kennedy shouted from across the room. “Watching Wedding Crashers for the eighth hundred time doesn’t constitute as plans.”
“Oh fuck you!” Max laughed, turning around to face him. “You can’t make fun of Gogo, you’re so pussy whipped I can smell Kelsey's cunt from here!” Max spun back around, leaving Tyler’s mouth wide as he searched for a comeback. “So… what are you doing Gogo?”
Alex shook his head, trying to clear away the disgusting image Max had just instilled in his mind. “I have a date.” He answered finally, trying not to seem too pleased with himself. He held up his hands as Max and Jordan began to verbally assault him. “Her name’s Amelia and she’s cute… she works at that Italian place down the street…” He explained, unable to keep the grin off his face.
“She the one with the… ah…?” Billy asked, cupping his hands in front of his chest - far out - in front of his chest. Alex blushed slightly, nodding as he tried to forget about the embarrassment he felt when she’d thought he was checking her out.
“Whooo! Who knew Gogo had it in him? Jesus Christ man, what are you gonna do when she gets you home?” Max laughed as he finished tying his skates up.
“You could feed a family of twelve with those puppies.” Billy agreed, laughing as he headed for the door.
“You guys are sick… stop it.” Alex groaned, grabbing his stick and following suit.
What did that even mean? So, she had big boobs. So what? Boobs were boobs… right?
It wasn’t like big boobs needed special treatment… or did they? “Hey Billy! Wait up.” Alex called, dashing off after him. “What do you mean? What do I do with them?”
Billy started to laugh loudly as he turned around. “Well you can’t just palm ‘em, you gotta squeeze. Hard.”
“That sounds painful…”
“No, no… they love it.” Billy confirmed, waving away Gogo’s concern. “If worse comes to worse, and you’re really lost… you have two options. One, flip her over onto her stomach and take her from behind… then you don’t need to really worry about them. Or, two, give me a call and I’ll show you how it’s done.”
Alex stopped walking, staring at Billy. “See, now I don’t know if I can believe anything you've said! You’re worse than Max!” He sighed, turning around just in time to see the rest of the guys filing out after them.
Alex jumped out onto the ice and his eyes instantly sought Evan in the crowd. She waved slightly, once he found her, smiling from behind the visitor’s net.
He tried to focus on the game and play his best for her; which wasn’t that hard. Alex seemed to have found some kind of niche, every time he touched the puck he was able to move it well, he ended up finding the back of the net once on his own; and helping Crosby find it once as well.
It wasn’t very often - at least lately - that Alex could run two points a game; and the guys didn’t let him forget it. “Geez man, someone’s fired up for tonight.” Kris laughed as Alex swiftly changed into his street clothing.
“Ugh… what? Oh… yah.” He said quickly, pulling his shirt down over his, still wet chest. He was actually rushing so that he could see Evan for a few minutes before Jeff picked her up; but he didn’t bother correcting them.
Luckily, when he got down the back hallway, Evan was still there. “Good game! You were so awesome!” She yelled, pulling him into a hug.
Alex hung on to her, enjoying the feel of her in his arms, after such a fantastic night.
He didn’t let go until he heard someone clear their throat. “Time to go babycakes… I’m tired and I hate this arena.” Jeff said sounding more like a whining child than anything; glancing at Alex as he spoke.
Evan pulled back in surprise.
“Oh! Hey!” She said, taking a step away from Alex. “I’ll call you tomorrow, ok?” She asked him as she headed towards Jeff.
“Yah. Sure.” Alex said, his eyes never leaving Jeff.
Jeff grabbed onto Evan as soon as she was within reach, slapping her ass with his hands and tugging her against his chest.
His lips slammed down against hers and he lifted her off the ground. After almost a full minute Jeff released her, roughly dropping her onto her feet as he grinned at Alex. “Later man.” He sneered, throwing his arm around Evan and steering her away. “Seriously Evangeline, I missed having you around... you're like my little cum dumpster… Oh, and also on that note, I think I’m getting blue balls.
I took the truck with the bench seat though, road head?” He asked, loudly as they headed towards the exit.
“Jeff, I wish you wouldn’t call me that…” She sighed lightly, glancing over her shoulder to wave goodbye to Alex.
“Sure thing cupcake, seriously though, I’m in pain. This can‘t be healthy for our relationship…”
When Alex went to pick up Amelia, he tried to keep his mind off of Jeff, and Evan, and what they were probably doing…
It was hard though, seeing the girl he loved getting pawed by a jack-ass. Alex sighed as he glanced at the duplex he’d just parked beside. Didn’t this just prove that he was a jack-ass?
He was in love with Evan, so why was he wasting this girls’ time? Or was it that he needed to move on?
Evan was moved on, and happy, for some reason; didn’t he deserve that too?
He sighed, shutting down the engine and climbing out of his blue Explorer. He headed up the walkway, pushing his hands down into his pockets as he did so.
Reaching the front door, Alex took a deep breath; trying to calm himself before knocking.
He didn’t have much time though; Amelia was pulling the door open a second later. “Hey! You found it ok then?” She asked sweetly, moving back to let Alex in.
“Yah, it wasn’t too hard, umm…” He glanced at her. She was wearing a light blue fitted shirt and a pair of skinny jeans; all of which were showing off an incredibly curved body. Alex felt his eyes wandering downwards, again.
He shook it off, embarrassed, even more so than before. He wasn’t checking out her body, but, he was remembering Billy’s advice. “So…” He said loudly, trying to avoid her cleavage. “Where to?”
“Oh no! I hate the Flyers! They’re so annoying and their fans are almost worse!” Amelia laughed as Alex followed her back in through her front door.
He laughed along with her. “I know… most annoying fans in the league… the whole stadium full, and they wouldn’t be able to find two brain cells to rub together.”
They both dropped down onto the couch; Amelia kicking off her heels as Alex shrugged his jacket off. “You want anything to drink?” She asked, stretching her arms above her head.
“Sure… whatever’s fine.” He replied, nervous for the first time all evening. Amelia got up and headed into the kitchen, returning a moment later with two glasses of pop.
She handed his to him, and he drank from it; glad to have an excuse to stop talking. It wasn’t that she made him nervous, the situation made him nervous.
As embarrassing as it was to admit it, Evangeline was the only girl he had ever been with. He wasn’t ashamed of that fact, but it was just something he didn’t’ feel would help him out any.
He was a pro-hockey player after all, so Amelia was probably expecting him to have major game; would it be a disappointment to her if he didn’t?
Did he even want her to find out?
The whole situation was confusing. It felt like cheating, even though it wasn’t; at least not to anyone but himself.
Alex gulped, deciding that if he was going to do something, he should do it now.
“Amelia?” He said slowly, her name coming out as a question, more than a statement.
She turned around to smile at him, her eyes opening wider as she saw him lick his lips.
He waited for something, anything. With Evan, he’d always just kissed her; it had been so natural, it didn’t require thought. This did.
Amelia tilted her face towards him, parting her lips enough for him to get the hint.
Alex moved forward, pressing his lips to hers.
The kiss started as a gentle peck, growing until Alex found his hand resting gently on her neck, just under her hair. His tongue swirled around her mouth and she wrapped her arms around him, sighing against his lips.
Amelia crawled towards him, sliding her legs onto his lap as her kisses became more intense and more needy.
Grunting Alex pulled back, grabbing the bottom of her shirt and pulling it upwards. She lifted her hands above her head and allowed him to remove it completely, revealing a sheer blue fabric.
He licked his lips, glancing back and forth between her chest and her eyes; wondering how far was too far, and how fast was too fast.
She leaned forward, nipping at his ear, and he lowered his head in compliance. He grabbed onto her hips with one hand, reaching around to undo the back of her bra with the other.
It fell of and he brought both hands back up, taking a breast in each hand and gently rubbing his thumb around her nipples. Amelia sighed deeply, tilting her head back and allowing herself to get lost in the feel of his warm hands on her.
She gasped softly as the warmth on her left nipple, changed to a warm wetness. She looked down at him, and he glanced back up; her nipple gently clenched between his teeth.
Alex pulled away from her, replacing his gentle caresses with firm hands. She grabbed onto his shoulders, her fingers digging into him as she tried to set a new pace.
Picking up on what she needed, Alex flipped her down onto her back. Grabbing for the button on her jeans. He slid them down, then off; taking whatever she’d been wearing underneath, with them.
He pushed his fingers inside of her; not caring at all that he was still fully dressed. Amelia did however, and as his fingers began to flick around inside of her she grabbed at his shirt.
Alex pulled his fingers out, just long enough to cast his shirt aside, before pushing them back in. He turned his hand, until he could reach deep inside of her and press on her clit at the same time.
It was easy for Alex to get her this worked up; almost too easy. But then again, it had been a while since he’d done this, so maybe his memory wasn’t as good as he thought it was. “Alex…” She purred, her voice barely audible as she gripped onto the couch with her fingers. “Fuck me...”
“Sorry…” He quipped, grinning as he watched her squirm below him, “I didn’t quiet catch that…”
She let out a frustrated moan and grabbed for his wrist, trying to pull his hand away from the now - too sensitive - skin between her legs.
Alex chuckled to himself as he reached for his jeans with his free hand, undoing them just enough to pull himself out.
Finally pulling his fingers out, he pushed himself in, a quarter of the way. He was surprised at how easily he could get her to open, even if it was only for part of him.
He tried to push in to halfway, but she yelped, glancing down. Her eyes widened, when they found his cock, saying the same thing he'd heard too many times. "Oh my god... that's fucking huge!" Alex tried to be patient, tried to feel any kind of empathy towards her at all; but it was hard too. Even part way in, her body was tight around him, the slick heat all too ready for what he needed to do.
She let out a louder yelp, and he moved in as deep as he could before she reached out to stop him. Once he glanced down and realized that he was hardly halfway in, he decided that his best course of action was to allow her to do what she could. He grabbed onto her smooth hips and pulled her up until he was sitting on the couch; Amelia perched cautiously on his lap.
She straddled him, his dick still partially inside of her, as he tried to move her closer. “I can’t…” She sighed, shaking her head and causing her brown hair to fan out around her. “Oh god, I can’t…”
Alex bit his lip and nodded, pulling her up higher. He held her up and moved below her, pushing himself into her until she screamed, before pulling himself out again.
It had been that way with Evan at the start. The first they’d had sex, she’d bled for a long time.
It had taken Alex almost an hour to convince her to come out of the bathroom after she locked herself in. It wasn’t until after months of rolling around in the sheets that he didn’t have to worry about hurting her anymore. Being well endowed had it’s down side…
Amelia came quickly, her nails biting angry marks into Alex’s shoulders while her orgasm slid down his shaft. “Your turn, now?” She giggled, as he pulled her off of him and laid her back down on the couch.
Alex grinned, excited to feel her lips on his throbbing member. Seeing him glance down she shook her head. “Yah, I don’t think so.” She laughed, pushing herself off the couch. “If it doesn’t fit down there, it’s not happening up here… I’ll be right back.”
Alex watched her go, his nerves coming back as he sat alone waiting for her to return; suddenly very aware of the fact that he was naked on a semi-random, girl's couch.
When she did, she had a small clear bottle clutched in her hand. She dropped down on her knees in front of him, setting the bottle down on the floor and pulling her hair back; wrapping an elastic around it to hold it off her face.
Grabbing the bottle back up, Amelia flicked the cover open and squirted some of the liquid on her chest, rubbing it along her breast and sternum until it shone with a glossy glow.
Still unsure what to do, Alex pushed himself to the edge of the couch, gripping the seat with his hands.
Amelia grinned up at him, taking a breast in each hand and slightly shifting them apart. Leaning forward she pressed his dick against her chest, bringing her cleavage back together around him. “Oh…” He said softly, finally understanding what she had in mind. “I’ve never… ah…” Alex started to explain, figuring it was best to tell her that he had no idea what she wanted him to do.
She nodded, holding her breasts steady as she motioned for him to move. He lifted himself up slightly, causing the length of his shaft to slid in between her soft skin. Alex exhaled loudly, surprised by how good it felt.
The next time he moved up, it was higher; until the tip of his dick was visible between her cleavage.
Moving faster, Alex tilted his head back, taking part in one of the worst sex taboos of all; imagining another woman.
If Amelia had any idea, she didn’t let on. She smiled up at him as he glanced back down at her, just in time to see white frothy liquid shoot upwards; sticking to her chin and neck.
12 years ago
First thought: he shoots, he scores! Gogo got a phone number... WOO!
ReplyDeleteI’m not even gonna say anything more about the wonderful ID-crossover. I loved it though! Awww....
I totally thought that at least one of the guys was going to witness the Alex-Evan-Carter encounter! Although, I’m glad it didn’t happen that way. Eep! I can only imagine... and none of it’s good!
“Jeff… Jeee-f… Jefffff… yep, he sounds like a fag.” <3 Max!
I was just thinking... I wonder if this would be any easier on Gogo if Evan’s fiancé wasn’t Carter. I mean, probably not, but it doesn’t help that he’s a Flyer.
“You can’t make fun of Gogo, you’re so pussy whipped I can smell Kelsey's cunt from here!” Once again... Max makes my life. He. Is. Hilarious.
“He held up his hands as Max and Jordan began to verbally assault him.” BAHAHA!! They’re such gossips, worse than women.
“You could feed a family of twelve with those puppies.” BILLY G! He’s like Grandpa Max. These one-liners are killing me, Zigh, and this chapter’s filled with them! And seriously, he’s cracking me up. Flip her over... hot....
And thanks for mentioning Alex’s “still wet chest.” That’s going to be a wonderful mental image to have tonight when I go to bed, leading to some sweet dreams.
“Alex hung on to her, enjoying the feel of her in his arms, after such a fantastic night.” Awwwwwwww. Seriously, so sweet.
Carter... Ugh, I don’t even know what to say about him. I wanted to just, argh, rip his head off. WTF is wrong with him?! Evan, you need to walk away. JUST WALK AWAY!
I loved Alex, going out on his little date with Amelia! Even though it was a wee bit awkward at first, it’s cute; I mean, all first dates are weird initially. LOVED that they were talking about Flyers and their fans. Haha, I mean, it was wonderful.
“It was easy for Alex to get her this worked up; almost too easy.” Nope, Alex, not too easy... you’re just that good. Mmhmmm.
Started off hot, and then turned painful (I’m really sorry about this horrible pun, haha). I mean, I just wanted them to stop. It didn’t seem... right, and it kills me to say that. I really thought it would be great if he, you know, “full body checked” her. But it really just makes me want Evan and Alex to be together even more. That he was imagining her... Ugh, I just don’t even know how to describe it.
I guess I’m just to express how bad I feel for him. Like, he’s still totally tangled up in Evan and still in love with her. And they need to get back together, or he needs to move on, because otherwise he’s stuck in this limbo of misery. And that pulls on my heartstrings, and I can’t have that! I love him too much. He needs to be deliriously happy.
Oh yeah, and I loved it :D
wow...I cant even form a coherant sentence right now.
ReplyDeletegreat update...
well I feel like an ass for not commenting on your past chapters but what can I say, I've fallen behind. Sooo, all caught up now and loving it! I love Evan and Alex together and Jeff does make me facepalm--alot. So you did your job haha
Jordan=second favorite(:
I don't even know where to start! haha
ReplyDeleteI giggled like a fool when Billy G was telling Alex what to do with Amelia, just screamed awkward to me, then Alex ran behind and asked questions, oh god. haha
Your Jeff Carter, is the biggest air head : |
If a boyfriend of mine ever said those things to me, ouff, the boy would have other problems than blue balls.
And the end. I think you just made me like Alex in the ways that I like other guys on the team hahaha.
Great update.
Can't wait to read more.
Well you did not fail as a writer. lol
ReplyDeleteI can't get past "because you're like my little cum dumpster" DUMPSTER! WTF
I'm pretty sure there was somthing about Alex's date and that he's so huge.
I'll have to read it again after I calm down about douche bag, I mean Jeff. That should only take a day or two.
I loved the cross over of Kris & Jo, and what felt like a nod to Kristina's Stay Within Your Lines.
As always it was wonderful, thank you.
Of course you could never fail as a writer, Zigh! I am feeling a plethora (ha! SAT vocab actually comes in handy) of emotions right now, I don't even know where to start. Maybe with the anger??
ReplyDeleteFUCKING CARTER. He is a stupid son of a bitch whose head I want to smash into a brick wall. How DARE he talk to his girlfriend like that?! Has he lost his damn mind? Because it sure as hell seems like that. That's the only excuse for him saying that shit. Hate hate hate.
Now, onto the happy hahaha
"Jeff… Jeee-f… Jefffff… yep, he sounds like a fag"
^^L.M.F.A.O. This man. This man. He makes my flippin' life. Seriously. I adore him and his silly crazy hysterical one liners. He never fails to make me laugh till' I cry.
Also! Crossover!! Ahhhh! I was reading that and smiling like crazy! I love how you entwined the Kris and Jo relationship into this. Wonderful aspect!
And the ending. *sigh* I'm still not sure how I'm feeling about all of that. Of course it was absolutely hot at the start then it got kinda awkward then back to hot? Hahaha I feel bad that he was thinking about Evan though. ): Ugh I feel so bad for poor Alex and his complicated life!
Carter = douche bag. No other way to say it.
ReplyDeleteMax/Jordan/Billy G = hilarious.
“Yah!” Tyler Kennedy shouted from across the room. “Watching Wedding Crashers for the eighth hundred time doesn’t constitute as plans."
- TK = beyond hilarious.
I didn't like the Amelia date. It made me sad. Like c'mon you two! The Immediate Danger reference though - LOVED it.
Can't wait for moree!! :D
Wow, that was some first date!
ReplyDeleteI loved the ID reference, as well, that was surprising and awesome!
Quite a bit of face-palming on my part re: any references to Jeff Carter in this chapter...you did your job well!
I have no words...
ReplyDeleteYou have managed to render me speechless (in the comment sense, not in the typing sens... obviously*)!
Multiple /facepalm for Jeff... douche...
And now I'm thinking of Gogo naked... interesting...
AWESOME update!