My Prettiest Friend - Jason Mraz
Alex tapped his hands on the wheel, in time with the beat as he drove down the familiar highway towards Philadelphia. He was smiling to himself, and that made him feel guilty.
He knew that he shouldn’t be smiling, but he couldn’t help it, regardless of the situation or reasoning, spending a free weekend with Evan sounded like the greatest thing ever.
He knew that he should try to remove it, be more subdued or try and remind himself of what was going on with her relationship, but he just couldn’t.
Was it ever possible for him to feel anything less than complete bliss at the thought of seeing her? Even when he was driving with Amelia to meet her and Carter for supper, he was still happy; but that was just Evan, that was just what she did to him.
He couldn’t think of her and not smile, or have his heart remain constant whenever she came around.
Man, he really shouldn’t be this giddy today, especially not after the conversation he’d had with Evan that afternoon before he left.
A fight; that was all she’d called it. She didn’t tell him what it was about and he wasn’t going to pressure her into telling him. He did however understand that whatever it was, they’d worked it out and Evan was feeling incredibly sorry about ’starting’ it. She’d even gone as far telling Alex that he didn’t have to come if he wanted to, that she was going to be a downer. “What if I’m a total stick-in-the-mud all weekend? I hate that you’ll be driving all the way out here… and I‘ll just most likely be let-down.” She had sighed into the phone as Alex was packing.
He had just shaken his head and replied quiet honestly, “you could never be a let-down, Evan… and really, what’s five hours between friends?” So, here he was, still driving, and still hopelessly excited.
He let himself in the front door, quietly trying to remain unnoticed. There wasn’t a sound in the house and Alex took a quick walk around the bottom floor, finding nothing.
He climbed the stairs, silently moving down the hallway towards Evan’s room. Finding the door wide opened, he moved into it, grinning when he found her curled up on her bed.
She was in a tank top and a pair of baggy, old PJ pants; her knees tucked up against her chest as she laid restfully. Alex looked around the room, finding a large, thick afghan on the bottom of the bed and pulling it up over Evan.
She shifted slightly, but didn’t wake up, as the heavy blanket enveloped her. Alex reached out gentle and brushed a loose strand of her blond hair, with his finger. He gently pushed it back, hooking it behind her ear, before he stood up and took a step back.
He watched her as she slept, his heart melting more with each breath she took. It was ironic, almost, what she was causing in him right now. So many girls would love to have this effect on a guy, the ability to drive him wild and demand his undivided attention; and she wasn’t even awake for it.
Shaking his head at himself, Alex turned around and quietly left Evan’s room, heading back downstairs.
He headed into the kitchen, planning on getting a bottle of water and watching some TV, when he noticed Evan’s to do list on the fridge.
- dust living room/dinning room
- change linen on guest bed
- scrub hardwood floors
- finish dishes
- change the garage light bulb??
Alex smiled, pulling the small slip of paper off the fridge and heading towards the sink.
He knew where all the cleaning products were, having been the one to help Evan get the house set up when she’d first moved down. He opened up the bottom cupboard and began pulling out the things he’d need.
Setting his spoils out along the marble, counter top, he decided to just follow down the list, taking his time while Evan slept.
Turning the TV onto sports centre, he dusted the entire downstairs. By the time he was finished the smell of Pledge was so strong, it had him searching for some kind of Febreeze, or air freshener.
He found a bottle of vanilla/almond in the front hallway and sprayed it liberally, groaning slightly as the visible particles scattered around him, some of them clinging to his skin and clothing.
Alex scrubbed the floors downstairs and finished the dishes before heading upstairs to change the linens, on the bed that would be his for the weekend.
Once the sheets were securely fastened, he moved back downstairs and stowed the cleaning products back underneath the sink.
He searched for a spare light bulb, unsuccessfully, before deciding to check the garage. He’d been cleaning for almost two hours, and it was starting to get dark outside; leaving the garage dark and dank. Moving around carefully, he was able to find a large box of lights on the top shelf.
He moved up onto his tiptoes and was able to grab them, pulling them down safely, before removing one from the box.
Pushing the remaining ones back up, he turned around and grabbed the step stool away from the wall.
Gently moving it into the middle of the room, he climbed up the steps and jiggled the light cover until it came off.
Alex had the light, half screwed in, when he heard a click, followed instantly by a large flash of light in front of him; the bulb shooting across the room and leaving him in a blinding darkness.
Disoriented, Alex took a step back into the open air; falling completely off the step stool to land on the hard cement floor. “Ugh, fuck!” He managed to choke out, with the last bit of wind left in his lungs.
“Ohmygosh! Alex?! I’m so sorry… I saw the door open and then I forgot that the light was broken but I clicked it anyway… are you ok!?” Evan cried, stumbling down the garage steps towards Alex, who was still laying on his back.
Alex managed to take a deep breath, running his hands over his face. “Oh… it’s ok… I’m fine I just… wow, that was bright.” He said, trying to laugh off the pain that was now creeping through his back.
“Are you sure? Can you get up?” Evan pressed, grabbing onto Alex’s arm and gently tugging him upwards. He went with her, thankful for the dark, and the fact that she couldn’t see him grimace. “Oh no, come on… we’ll go get ice or… alcohol… or something.” She sighed, helping him towards the house.
“Should I take you to the hospital or something?” Evan asked softly, perched on the edge of the couch as she watched Alex laying back on the pillows.
“No, Evan, I’m seriously fine… don’t worry about it.” He said, smiling as he reached out to pat her hand, trying to brush away her fears.
Evan smiled back at him, glancing around the living room before looking back at him. “Thank you, for cleaning the house, you didn’t have to.” She said at length.
He nodded at her, not bothering to argue with her. Not that he agreed with her, but, his head hurt so bad he didn’t feel like talking anymore.
“So, just wanna go to be early or…?”
“No… no… we seem to have this conversation every time we’re together now.” He chuckled, closing his eyes as the vertigo took over. “We're like an old married couple... how about we go out?”
“You want to go out? Where?” She asked sceptically as she watched him closely.
“Dancing?” He blurted, completely unsure as to why he suggested that. If there was one thing Alex Goligoski couldn’t do, it was dance.
Beautiful - Marvelous3
Evan could tell that Alex was uncomfortable. She didn’t know anyone in the bar, but she was personable, and had no problem talking to people, so she didn’t feel awkward.
Alex on the other hand was sticking close to her side, nodding and smiling, but otherwise keeping to himself as she made a round through the crowd. “Come on Alex! You said dancing!” She yelled through the music finally, grabbing on to him and pulling him into the middle of the room.
She began to move fluidly, turning her hips with the music and swaying her body with the beat. She closed her eyes and grinned, singing the lyrics of the song, at the top of her lungs.
Alex shook his head, smiling as he watched her. He moved back and forth, more of a waddle then a dance, bobbing his head in time with the beat.
The waitress came around and Alex waved her over, grabbing a few of the test-tube glasses and handing her some cash.
He reached out and gently tapped Evan on her bare shoulder, causing her to open her eyes. She squealed when she saw what he had, taking all three drinks from him and shooting them back.
Alex raised his eyebrows when she handed him the empty glasses, but she only laughed and grabbed on to him, pulling his body against hers. “Don’t look so scared! It’s just dancing!”
He smiled down at her as she wound her arms around his neck. He placed his hands on her hips, and watched as she began to dance again, this time, her pelvis pressed against his leg.
Throwing her head back, Evan closed her eyes again, beginning to sing even louder than before. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you, cause you look like you and that’s just beautiful… I love this song!” She yelled, hopping slightly, and causing Alex to lung forward a little in compensation.
The music began to slow and Evan moved back against him, this time her head found his chest and she pulled him into a tight hug, breathing him in.
Alex relaxed his stance around her, moving his hands from her hips, to the small of her back.
His hands were sweaty and hot, both from nerves and from the atmosphere of the bar; but Evan’s skin felt the same temperature. He gently let his chin rest on the top of her head, and he too, took a deep breath. She smelt the same as him… vanilla/almond air freshener.
“Goodbye guys! You guys are so awesome! We have to hang out soon! I love you all!” Evan yelled as Alex led her away from the front of the bar, moving towards the empty parking lot where he’d left his car. “Hey Alex… I had so much fun! I love you…” She sighed, trying to stop so that she could pulling him into a bear hug.
Alex turned so that she could get her arms around him, but he didn’t stop walking. He lifted her up easily, shifting her until she was sitting bridal style in his arms. “Ugh… I’m so drunk, aren’t I?” She whined, her head flopping against his shoulder with each long stride he took.
“A bit yah… you’re ok though.” He laughed, shaking his head as he rounded the brick insurance building and moved towards his SUV. “Here we go…” He said softly, setting her down on her wobbling feet, but never removing his arm from around her, as he unlocked the passenger door.
Evan climbed in, with help from Alex, and all but passed out. Alex closed the door and climbed into the driver’s side, laughing lightly as Evan mumbled something incoherent.
Pulling out into the highway, he turned the radio on, surprised to find the same song from the club playing. He tried not to think anything of it as he focused on the road, heading back towards her house, but it was hard as the words struck close to home.
You look like you, and that’s just beautiful.
You smell like you, and that’s just beautiful.
You feel like you, and that’s just beautiful.
The only ugly thing about it, is that you’re not mine…
After tucking Evan safely into her bed, Alex walked downstairs to hang up their coats, before calling it a night. He flicked on the light, not wanting to have any other accidents tonight, as he moved down the front hallway.
Pulling the closet open, he grabbed two empty hangers and threw the coats on them. Hanging them back on the rack, he was about to close the door, when a thought occurred to him.
Glancing back and forth down the empty hall he scanned through the jackets until he found the few of Jeff’s. His heart racing, he began to shove his hands into the pockets, finding random candy wrappers and, odds and ends, until he found something he was looking for.
Alex held the hotel receipt in his hands, shaking his head sadly as he realized that Evan was as trusting, as Jeff was dumb.
With no better plan than his spur of the moment idea, he dropped the receipt down onto the tidy closet floor, leaving the door wide open.
He turned around and headed up the stairs, not bother to look back, as Jeff’s mess sat; a dirty disappointment, on the floor Alex had just cleaned.
12 years ago
UGH! I hope she finds it! I know that's mean, because it's gonna hurt her... but I want the truth to come out! And Dammit, if Alex has to be kind of sneaky to get it done... SO BE IT!
ReplyDeleteAwesome chapter hun! Simply awesome!
ooooohhhhh I hope Evan finds it!!!!
ReplyDeleteAlex is a sweetheart, plain and simple a sweetheart!!! To clean her house for her? Jeez oh man how nice((((:
I thought that he would find some evidence when he was looking for the light bulbs...
ReplyDeleteAnd he didn't and I was disappointed because, dammit, this was his golden opportunity!
...But then he did. And I rejoiced, hoping that Evan wouldn't be in denial, Jeff wouldn't make up some half-assed excuse, and that this wouldn't all blow up in Alex's face.
I can't stop thinking about how depressing Evan and Jeff's relationship is. I'm not saying that sex is the most important thing, but if two people truly have chemistry and are in love with each other, the physical stuff just comes naturally. It shouldn't be so strained and painful.
omg evan find the receipt ASAP!
ReplyDeleteCarter will probably have some stupid story hotel room for him and
And Alex, cleaning the house for her.
TOO cute...too too too cute!
Yay for FF!! Woooooo. I seriously hit fresh until today’s post came up. THAT’s how much I love this story.
ReplyDeleteI love how Alex is so excited to see Evan. It’s cute, and he’s on a mission to get the girl. So of course that’s going to put a smile on his face. And mine :)
“Even when he was driving with Amelia to meet her and Carter for supper, he was still happy...” and that’s how Amelia knew that you were in love with her. It’s so obvious, Gogo. And now you need to just tell Evan this juicy tidbit of information. “He couldn’t think of her and not smile, or have his heart remain constant whenever she came around.” <3
I hope that Goli finds out what their fight was about, and he fucking lets loose on Carter’s face, i.e. with a ridiculous amount of punches. Fucking shit.
“and really, what’s five hours between friends?” Seriously, every time I think I can’t love Alex Goligoski any more than I already do, you make that possible, Zigh. You make me love him sooo much.
Covering her up. Tucking the hair behind her ear. “So many girls would love to have this effect on a guy, the ability to drive him wild and demand his undivided attention; and she wasn’t even awake for it.” OMG OMG OMG. I just loved this line. LURVED it. Where’s my own, personal Alex? I want one. No, I need one. /swoon
And then he cleaned for her?! Oh man, what a sweetheart. He’d do anything for her. Why can’t she fucking see that? EVANGELINE-ROSE PEARSON: dump the dud and pick up the stud!!
And hahaha, changing the lightbulb and falling off the ladder. I shouldn’t laugh at his pain, but it was cute. And all I’m saying is, if he was on his back, temporarily incapacitated in my presence, I would take FULL advantage of that. Oh my, that sounds bad when I type it out. :/ I do hate to see him in pain though. Kiss him and make it better, Evan! That’s what I would do ;)
Sounds like he gave himself a concussion or something, if he’s suggesting dancing. And the awkward way he danced, ugh, it just cracked me up. “He moved back and forth, more of a waddle then a dance, bobbing his head in time with the beat.” This mental image just CRACKS ME UP. Every time I read it, it makes me laugh. Lovelovelove it.
And I love that she just drank all 3 of them, not even thinking that maybe he wanted one for himself. Maybe a little alcohol would have loosened up his joints and muscles, and he could dance a little better. I would show him how to dance. Grab his hips and/or ass, demonstrate how to move to the music.... /creepermoment
OH OH OH! And, <3 Marvelous 3 Seriously, I’ve loved them for years.
I love that they smell the same, like the air freshener. I don’t know why, but ... it’s the 50 billionth thing I’ve loved about this particular update. Like how I loved that he took care of her drunken self, tucked her into her own bed, went down to hang up their jackets like a gentleman, AND then still found the proof he was looking for! I just hope that Evan finds it and interprets it for what it is, and that she doesn’t try to dismiss it as something that it isn’t. Like Alex’s. Or like... anything else. I don’t know. I just hope that this is it, the moment we’ve all been anxiously awaiting! So, once again, I can’t wait for tomorrow to see what happens!
Proof proof proof! Finally! This gives me years worth of happiness :D It's time for Evan to realize the truth and get rid of that little douchebag Carter! But, I totally agree with Trish. I feel like Carter is gonna come up with some stupid idiot story about hanging out with Hartnell. If he does, so help me, I will ring his fictional character neck :P
ReplyDeleteAlex is my hero in this chapter! Him cleaning the house and doing the chores completely melted my heart<3 If only he would have set fire to that ridiculous blue snuggie. Ohhh welll. There's always next time hahaha.
Evan and Alex were so cute at the bar. I can just see him standing there doing his awkward little dance moves while Evan does her "thang". And then! When he tucked her in! Love love love love love. Just like this chapter. (:
Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, Alex, not only are you one heck of a handyman, but a very sneaky one at that...I love it!