I’m super sorry about this one… it’s short, choppy and not very good. I promise that something big is about to happen but… just bear with me... this little is just to connect a few things.
I also had a nightmare about Jeff Carter last night… and that’s not a word of lie… I still shudder when I think about it… ew.
Keep Fishing - Weezer(Cover)
“Well, it was really nice to see you again, Amelia, make sure you guys drive safe.” Evan said, genuinely as she moved beside Alex’s date, heading to the car. Evan had been surprised by the fact that she didn’t hate Amelia, at all.
She had really enjoyed their evening, and was glad it wasn’t awkward; even with Jeff making a few ’choice’ comments.
“It was nice to see you too… ummm, Alex give me the keys, I’m gonna go get into the car.” Amelia said quickly, grabbing the keys from him and taking off towards the SUV and leaving them alone.
Alex watched her go then turned back to Evan.
“So… you guys are ok then?” He asked slowly, glancing past Evan. Jeff was getting into his car, his headlights pointed directly at them.
She shook her head and looked back at Jeff. “Surprisingly… he didn’t really seem to care…”
It made no sense to Alex. Jeff hated him at the best of times, this should have been the end all, to end all. There should have been explosions and floods, earthquakes and riots; it didn’t seem plausible that Jeff just ’didn’t care’. “Well, that’s good, at least…” Alex said at length, rocking back and forth on his heels awkwardly.
A car horn blared, causing both Evan and Alex to jump; Jeff was yelling with his head out the window, honking with every syllable he yelled. “Evangeline! Come on! Get in the Car! We have to go!”
“Oh my god…” She said quietly, incredulity. “I guess I should go…” Evan glanced around, worried about how many people her fiancé was disturbing.
She turned back around to see Alex, staring at Jeff with his eyes wide, a look on his face, somewhere between amusement and disappointment.
It sort of broke Alex’s heart a bit. Not even the fact that she wasn’t with him anymore, but the fact that she was getting ready to tie the knot with such an insensitive douche. “Yah… I guess… we play the Flyers in a couple week so… I’ll see you then…?”
Evan nodded as Jeff blasted the horn again. “I’ll see you then… I’ll call you though, ok?” Alex nodded, watching her give him one last smile.
“Evangeline! I have to meet Hartnell! Hurry up!” Jeff screeched, causing Alex to roll his eyes.
“They have butt sex or something? Christ…” Alex complained quietly, turning around and heading towards the SUV.
“I’ll call you later… bye!” Evan shouted before taking off towards the other side of the parking lot, where Jeff sat, still blowing the horn.
Alex hopped into the SUV, which was already running, and watching Evan climb into the passenger side of Jeff’s car. “God! He’s an even bigger douche than I imagined he’d be!” Amelia yelled as soon as Alex shut the door. “I mean… ugh! How can she… ugh!?”
Amelia made a disgusted face and Alex found himself laughing at her. “I know…” He sighed finally as they continued down the road. “I just… what can I do?”
“Do something to break them up! Hey listen… I think you’re great, and I think she’s great… but he’s a dickhead and he needs to go.”
Alex couldn’t agree more, but there really was noting that he could do about it. As horrible as it was, his only hope was that Jeff would do something stupid and screw up. Or, seeing as how Evan was already putting up with stupid, he needed to do something really stupid.
Something that went beyond plain old Carter stupid.
Too Much Information - Over It(Cover)
“Ha! That’s hilarious… I can’t believe Carter would be such a dick like that to Evan…” Max laughed as Alex told him about the dinner the night before, while pulling on his gear for practice.
“So wait, why were you out with Carter anyway?” TK asked, cutting into the conversation as he waddled towards them on his skates.
Alex grimaced, not sure if he wanted to have this conversation in a room full of people. “Whoa! You didn’t tell anyone?” Jordan said loudly for him, causing everyone to turn around and stare at them. “Carter’s being right protective now cause Alex was all over Evan last weekend.”
“What?!” Came the loud round of shouts from around the dressing room.
“Oh yah!” Max continued, glad to be in the know. “I walked in on them and it was getting pretty heated-”
“-it was not getting heated, Max! Don’t make it more than it was…” Alex sighed, cutting him off.
“Not getting heated? Oh yah… I’m sure Evan just took showed you her tits because she was bored.” Max quipped, rolling his eyes.
TK gasped, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. “Tits?! Did you take some pics?”
“Why would I take pics?” Alex half-shouted. “Ok seriously guys… drop it. Done.” Alex said loudly in a tone that left no room for discussion.
His team-mates shrugged and returned to getting dress, some of them still shooting him the occasional smile or wink.
This was just great. This was exactly what Alex had wanted to avoid. He didn’t want Evan to become locker-room chat, anymore than she already was. Of course before, they had always laughed at him and felt bad for him because she had just been ’that’ girl. The girl that he wanted, but had some how managed to get away from him.
Now she was just another girl to talk about. Another girl that got on a player when they weren’t together; something that made her sound like one of Max’s millions, not the sweet, caring, wonderful person that she was.
Alex wanted to say something witty and gallant. He wanted to do something to defend her and make her look better; make the guys view her in a different light, or forget about her all together.
But what could he say? He could tell them that it had all been a mistake, but he didn’t want to admit that out loud, hell, he didn’t even want to admit that to himself. “You comin Gogo?” Rupp called, causing Alex to look up.
They were the only two left in the dressing room, the rest of the guys having already made their way out to the ice. “Oh… yah… I’m on my way, sorry.” Rupp shrugged off the apologise and turned around, heading out the door.
Alex quickly took off after him, trying to clear his head.
3 weeks later
“Alright boys, game time, game time. Let’s go!” Cookie yelled, walking around the locker-room and trying to get everyone into the game.
Alex wasn’t doing so good; he felt tried and depressed. The past few weeks without seeing Evan, had felt like they’d been dragging on forever.
Although they’d stayed in contact via phone, he was still missing spending time with her in person. The strangest thing was, he wasn’t even spending his time with anyone else. At first, Alex had assumed he’d see more of his friends, or maybe try and fill the void with Amelia; but he hadn’t done that. Once again, he’d shut everyone else.
He wished that it wasn’t like that, that maybe he’d be able to open up and find a better way to deal with the things, or thing, that was causing him to be so upset… but it hadn’t worked out like that.
Tonight things were even worse, the lowest of low. It was the first time he’d be seeing Evan since their dinner date with Carter and Amelia.
She’d undoubtedly be wearing a Flyer’s jersey, and sitting up in the stands, cheering on her fiancé from behind his bench. Alex expected this, but it still felt like a low blow when he got out onto the ice and was able to pick her out.
Evan waved at him, earning looks of disapproval from the women around her, Alex tried not to notice as he nodded back, pushing himself into the warm up with more vigour than normal.
He wished, for the first time in a while, that Max was out with them. He could really use someone to lighten up the mood and give him something to laugh at. This game was going to be brutal, without the good-natured Frenchman shooting out one-liners to make the boys laugh, things could get even uglier, even quicker.
Games between the two teams were already filled with animosity and hostility, they never needed any kind of off ice feud to get riled up; but now they had that. Alex and Jeff wanted to hurt each other, for obvious reasons, and the rest of the Penguins seemed more than willing to help.
By the start of the third things were not looking good at all. Especially not when Jordan decided to yell at the Flyers “You’re just mad cause everyone wants to fuck the Pens… Hell! Even your girls want a piece of the black and gold… LOCK UP YOUR WIVES, BOYS… THE PENGUINS ARE HITTIN’ PHILLY TONIGHT!”
The game was tied up at two, and there had been more penalties called than any game Alex had played in before… and that was including his stint in Juniors, aka, the Minnesota fight league.
“Ready to lose another game, Goligoski? I mean, of course you are… we all know how good you are at failing. Can’t get on the first line, can’t keep the girl, can’t get her back…
Tell me, how much did it suck when you thought she was gonna fuck you, but she came home to me?” He laughed loudly, shaking his head as Rupp skated towards them. “God she wanted it so bad that night too… I fucked her all night and she still couldn’t get enough of the old pork stick.”
“Way, way too much information. First off, the mental image of someone having sex with you…is just a little much…” Rupp trailed off, visibly disgusted. “And secondly, pork stick? Where are we… chattin in the back of an 8th grade math class? Grow the fuck up, pin dick.”
Rupp grabbed Alex by the arm and pulled him away, back towards their bench. “Thanks man.” Alex said quietly as they reached the boards.
Rupper nodded. “No problem Gogo, but really, start standing up for yourself. You’d take a bullet for anyone on this team, but then you stand out there and let Carter piss all over you… pork stick… what a fucking moron.” He sighed, shaking his head.
They both sat down and Alex tried to forget about Jeff, and Evan, and anything that had to do with the two of them together.
He need Jeff to back off, but he wasn’t sure how to do that. No, he didn’t just want Jeff to back off, he wanted him gone, completely.
He wanted Jeff out of his life, with no contact other than the couple handfuls of games they played a year. Of course, that would be impossible to do, unless he stopped talking to Evan all together… and as much as he hated Carter, the way he felt for Evan outweighed that.
Max was running, for the first time in a long time. Having been out since the end of last season, he hadn’t worked out as much as he should have been; especially not in the cardio department.
Still, the blood pounding through his veins and the feel of his muscles pumping underneath him, should have felt good, but he couldn’t think about that now. He had to find Gogo.
He rounded the last corner, feeling himself finally getting out of breath, but he pushed onwards. Who knew Mellon had so many useless, fucking, hallways?
“Gogo!” Max shouted, once the locker-room door was in view. He said a silent pray to himself that his team-mate was still in there, otherwise, well… he didn’t want to think about that.
This was Gogo’s situation, he’d know what to do about it… Max couldn’t act without him, no matter how badly he wanted to. “Gogo!” He yelled, kicking the door open and moving into the muggy room.
The team was still there, some dressing into street clothing, others just coming out of the showers. “What’s up Max?” Alex asked, his face moving falling from a grin into a look of concern. “Max?”
Max took a deep breath, completely aware that all eyes were on him. He thought about dragging Alex into the hallway, but the media was already starting to meet outside. “Gogo…” Max said finally, grabbing onto Alex’s bare arms and staring him hard in the eyes. “You’re not gonna fucking believe this…”
12 years ago
wait no...don't stop there!!!! get your ass back here!
ReplyDeletePlease make Jeff go away! Go GoGo! Come on and man up!
OMG wtf.
ReplyDeleteyou can't stop there it's inhumane.
GOGO needs to grow up and man up.\
carter's a douche
First I just have to say thanks for the mental image that I got from the comment Gogo made about Carter and Hartnell.Lol. And Im looking forward to seeing if this is going where I think it is.
ReplyDeleteZigh you are a really good writer and you seem like a nice person, but right now you just suck!! I like a good cliffhanger as much as the next person, but this is cruel. Of course all will be forgiven when you post your next update especially if someone gets to hit Jeff!
ReplyDeletePS I thought it was good and didn't find it choppy even if you did. It was only too short because I want to know WTF happened to get Max so worked up.
what???? no what is he not going to believe...I wanna know now...but I guess I can wait until tomorrow
ReplyDeleteno matter what you say this was a great update...
ahh i hope amelia kicked dickface in the balls.
Those last fucking four paragraphs were the most fucking amazing paragraphs I've ever fucking read. Fuck, Zigh. How can you do this to us??
ReplyDeleteExcuse my language, by the way. :)
“They have butt sex or something? Christ…” Alex complained quietly, turning around and heading towards the SUV.
ReplyDeleteThat's a mental image that has scarred me for life.
“You’re just mad cause everyone wants to fuck the Pens… Hell! Even your girls want a piece of the black and gold… LOCK UP YOUR WIVES, BOYS… THE PENGUINS ARE HITTIN’ PHILLY TONIGHT!”
This was the funniest thing I've read in a while. The best thing is I can just completely imagine Jordan saying that and it would be true if the Flyers weren't too busy sleeping with each others wives.
I am going to die until tomorrow!!
WHAAAAAAAAT!!!! What happens next?!?!
ReplyDelete: |
Tell me they broke up in the hallway or something! Or maybe Max hit Jeff?!?!
Great update!!
BUT GOD. I need more!!!
Ps. So SORRY for your dream last night. SO SORRY.
enough with the fucking cliffhangers!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletei would love to know what max has to tell gogo
ReplyDeleteBah, bahhh, bahhhhh.
Cannot wait for next update, this one was great.
Didn't mean to ryhme there...
I loved it. Can't wait for an update. : )
ReplyDeleteGAH!!!! Not going to believe what?? WHAT DAMNIT!!!
ReplyDeleteSigh... I loved it!
HOLY FUCK! UGHHHHH DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN! I think I'm gonna die before the next update!
ReplyDeleteCan't form a coherent comment right now, please forgive me.
Poor Amelia. She's the underdog. Alex expected her to get mad, Evan thought she was going to hate her.... Plus, she's smart. She left them alone so they could talk. She's a cool chick. I like her. <3
ReplyDeleteCarter still is a douche. Bahaha, butt sex. :)
It should sit wrong with them that Carter's not more upset about her confession. Because something about it is NOT RIGHT.
“It sort of broke Alex’s heart a bit. Not even the fact that she wasn’t with him anymore, but the fact that she was getting ready to tie the knot with such an insensitive douche.” See, and this is what makes me love him so much. Of course he loves Evan. He wants her to be happy; if she were happy without him, that would be fine... but she can't possibly be happy with a douchebag. Which leads me back to my original theory: if Evan were happy with a nondouche, then Alex would be sad but at least capable of moving on, I think. Because she'd be with someone who loves her and fosters and encourages her to pursue her dreams, like teaching.
“As horrible as it was, his only hope was that Jeff would do something stupid and screw up. Or, seeing as how Evan was already putting up with stupid, he needed to do something really stupid.
Something that went beyond plain old Carter stupid.” Foreshadowing?! I hope I hope I hope!
“Tits?! Did you take some pics?”
“Why would I take pics?”
^^Bahaha. Kennedy... your first thought when you hear about this is if he took PICTURES?! He either needs to grow up or get laid, but I'm not sure which. But this was pretty much hilarious.
“Alex wanted to say something witty and gallant.” <3 <3 <3 Seriously, this makes my heart explode with love.
I'm so sad that he's shut everyone out. I'm so sad that he's so sad. Something needs to happen soon, or else I shall perish from my misery. I just wanna hug him and whisper in his ear that everything's all right, and everything will work out in the end. It will, sweetie, I promise!
Carter fuckin' grossed me out. Ew. I really wanted Rupper to just run him over, flatten him, and accidentally slit his throat with his skate. Too much? Argh, I don't care. Stupid bastard. Pork stick. Disgusting.
And, Rupp's right. Gogo's gotta start sticking up for himself, in more ways than one. He'd stick up for anyone else and try to do the right thing, but he won't do what's right for himself. :( Poor Gogo.
Then the end... I loved the end! For the way it was written as well as the content. Dun dun dun....
dkjhisufoeruboujr, you are killing us here! Please let Max bust Carter for something good...
ReplyDeletei want to know what fucking happens
and Max and Jordan,,,,amazing!!!!
Amelia, almost as amazing!!!! She is tough and very cool, I like her(:
Gahhh I can barely form coherent sentences after that end!!!!!!
SON OF A BITCH... He's gonna tell him... and you stopped with that... and I can't form coherent sentences...
ReplyDeleteEvil, evil, evil* LOL
Make it extremely juicy!
p.s. I loved that Max was running around! That kind of made my day*