OMG?! An update... earlier then expected... and ON TIME? Yes... yes it is!
Another update with some major help from the wonderful, talented, fantastic Jay! =)
Here We Go Again - Kelly Rowland
It was a little after seven AM, and Evan was grinning from ear to ear as she picked up the two large paper bags from the back of her car. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust Jeff, actually, it was for the complete opposite reason that she was here. Maybe she hadn't been really giving him a chance. After all, she'd been wishing he'd pay more attention to her for a while, and now that he was, she was trying to get away from him? It didn't make much sense.
After spending only one night at the Spa, she had decided to come home early, stopping at the grocery store the night before to pick up a few of Jeff’s favourite foods. She’d sneak in while he was still sleeping, cook him up something good, and then spend the rest of the day just being with him, it was the perfect plan.
She knew he‘d still be asleep, so she pulled out her key and unlocked the front door. She closed it behind her and headed into the kitchen, while riffling through one of the bags at the same time.
She kept feeling like she’d forgotten something, but she couldn’t remember what. Evan shrugged it off, figuring that she’d remember it later on.
Carefully, shifting the bags in her arms, she carried them into the kitchen, before dropping them on the marble floor, their contents spilling everywhere. She felt her jaw drop open as her eyes met Jeff’s and he pulled back, his face masking hers.
“I…” Was all he managed to sputter before Evan was gone, running back towards the front door, leaving Jeff and Sarah Hartnell in the kitchen.
Jeff came around the corner, nearly falling on his face as he tried to pull his pants back onto his waist. “Evangeline!” He yelled, chasing her to the front door and then out into the front yard.
She didn’t stop though, as she jumped back into her car. She left him standing there as she peeled down the street and back onto the highway.
Her body was shaking, and she only got fifteen minutes away before she had to pull over, her body consumed with sobs as she dropped her face into her hands.
Finally composing herself enough to think of something other than going back home and cutting off Jeff’s nuts, she reached for her phone.
She dialled in Alex’s number and let it ring, until his voice mail picked up.
Of course, in her frantic, emotional state, she’d completely forgotten that it was seven in the morning, and he‘d still be in bed. She wanted to just wait, just wait until he woke up and called her back, but she couldn’t.
She needed her best friend, and she needed him desperately.
Evan started the long drive, figuring out that Alex would most likely just be getting out of his Saturday morning practice, by the time she got to Pittsburgh.
She knew that she wasn’t in an emotional state to go and see him in front of people, but she really didn’t care. The images of Jeff fucking Sarah on the counter top in her kitchen, was enough to make her see red as she drove the winding highway.
She wasn’t sure what to say to Alex. She wasn’t even sure if she should be going to see him, after all, he was probably sick of her always dropping her problems on him.
Alex never had problems, at least none that he ever bothered Evan with. She was such a horrible friend, and apparently she was a fairly horrible fiancé, if she couldn’t even keep Jeff honest for a full week.
She shook her head as she turned off the exit towards Pittsburgh. She wasn’t sure what she was even trying to accomplish by showing up at Mellon Arena, all she knew was that Alex was there, and she needed him more than anything else at this moment.
Trampled Underfoot - Led Zeppelin
Practice was over, and the entire team skated off the ice and made their way into the dressing room. Their voices echoed and carried in the runway as guys talked about what a hard skate that was, or what their plans for the evening were, or how pumped they were for the next game. Alex was in the back of the group and not really listening. It wasn’t until everyone else stopped talking and turned to look at him with questioning glances that he realized what was going on.
Evan was in their dressing room, standing by the door. He couldn’t quite recognize the emotion on her face. Her cheeks were red, her eyes were wet, and her jaw was clenched.
“Evan?” he asked quietly, stepping past the other guys and approaching her. He certainly wasn’t expecting her to show up here, like this. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
Her voice was raw. “I need you right now, Alex.”
“Just let me change, and then I can take you home with me. We’ll stop and get some Grey Goose on the way.” He gave her a weak smile, trying to be comforting. Vodka was Evangeline’s go-to coping mechanism, and he knew that a couple shots of top shelf liquor would calm her nerves.
“No,” she replied, shaking her head and speaking forcefully. “I need you now.”
Alex cast a glance back at the guys, who were all looking around the room but really were staring out of the corners of their eyes at the scene in front of them and wondering about what the hell was going on. He put an arm around her shoulders to protect her from their piercing gazes, as well as to guide her toward the training room where they could have some privacy and he could get to the bottom of this.
He ushered her into the back room, pointing her in the direction of one of the massage tables as he turned and pushed the door shut, a high-pitched click resounding to let him know the door was fully closed.
Before he could turn around and address her, Evan pushed herself into his arms and against Alex’s padded and sweaty body. She took advantage of the way his ears moderately stuck out and grabbed onto them in order to pull his face down to hers, tugging hard enough that he felt a dull pain on the sides of his head. Once their lips met, she released her grasp on his head and moved her hands to the hem of his practice jersey. She pulled upward awkwardly, finding it difficult because of his added height from his skates. She tried her best to get the light blue jersey off him, but the material caught on his pads and she struggled.
Despite her proximity to hockey players, she had never really paid attention to their uniforms and equipment; namely, how much of it he was wearing. “Are you going to help me, or what?”
“Evan...” he started, not knowing what causing this sudden change in his friend. She was usually much more timid. However, she looked so determined as she tried to strip him that he automatically wanted to help and therefore took off his jersey without her having to make a further request.
Her eyes scanned his chest and arms, staring at his shoulder and elbow pads as if they were a puzzle begging to be solved. Her nimble fingers searched for the Velcro, ties, clasps, or whatever it was that held his pads in place and blocked her from touching his bare body like she so desperately needed to.
“Get these damn things off!” she ordered in frustration, unable to figure out how to do it herself.
Alex reacted, doing as she bade and feeling a little turned on by her new-found, take-charge attitude. He started with his elbow pads, discarding them one by one and dropping them to the floor before he untied his shoulder pads and pulled them quickly over his head. He was acting under her direction, and she had complete control. But still, he had to ask, “What’s going on? I thought…”
Evan dragged her nails over his chest, the material of his black Under Armour shirt between her hands and his chest, ignoring his question.
This time, as she reached to strip him of his shirt, she didn’t have any trouble pulling it over his head and throwing it to the floor to join the various other discarded pieces of his uniform. Her hands slid over his warm skin, slick with sweat as she looked up into his dark, chocolate brown eyes and informed him of her plan. “You’re going to fuck me.”
Her words shocked and aroused him. He placed his hands on her sides, trying to hold her at a distance so he could talk to her and find out what was prompting this action, but she wouldn’t let him stop her from carrying out and exacting her own plan. A bead of sweat trailed down his chest, and Evan leaned forward and licked it off him, dragging her tongue up past his collarbone and to his neck as she tasted his salty skin.
Alex groaned, savouring the feel of her rough tongue on his flesh as his burgeoning erection started to press painfully against his cup. He leaned back and rested his head against the door. A million questions were still buzzing around his head, but he didn’t bothering asking another one. Instead, he obeyed orders as Evan added, “Take off your skates and pants.”
He reached down and fumbled with the laces of his skate boots, trying to move quickly so he could kick them off as he moved onto the clasp on his hockey pants. She began to shed her own clothing, first her blouse and then her jeans. Alex dropped his jock and released his now hard dick, not bothering with removing his shin pads or socks. He had removed the bare minimum, and that was good enough for him.
Without so much as a warning, Evangeline jumped onto Alex, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his hips. Their mouths attacked one another, a combination of lips, teeth, and tongue crashing together frantically and passionately. He fell back against the door with a thud as her body crashed against his, before he grabbed her waist and held onto her, stumbling across the room and setting her down on the counter.
He kissed her neck, and she moaned loudly. Her hands blindly searched for something solid to hold onto; anything that wasn’t mounted down got knocked off the counter and thrown across the room as she reached and clutched at the things around her. Tubs of ointment and rolls of bandages went flying as Alex’s hands moved to her back and unhooked her bra. His teeth dug into the flesh of her chest as he roughly pinched her nipples and twisted, which in turn garnered a deep, guttural moan from Evan.
The walls of the training room were thin. When guys were getting massages or getting wrapped, either before or after games, muffled voices were distinguishable, even if the actual words weren’t discernable. The guys out in the dressing room tried to ignore the overtly sexual sounds that reverberated through the walls. They could hear Evangeline’s every moan, every squeal of delight, and every command to their team-mate, punctuated by the occasional bang and slam of objects and bodies. The guys heard everything.
“Fuck me, Alex,” she begged, reaching down to pull the crotch of her panties to the side and exposing her pink, wet folds to him. “I want you inside of me.”
He groaned at her request, wondering where this sex kitten came from. Not that he was complaining; he would gladly oblige her every whim and do whatever she asked. Alex grabbed his erection and rubbed the tip against her pussy lips and clit. She moaned again, clutching the ledge of the counter and perching herself at the edge as he entered her, just like she had asked.
She squeaked and gasped, in pain and in pleasure, as their bodies began to join as one. “Oh my God. Ow. Stop for a second.” She arched her back and spread her legs farther apart, trying to open herself up in order to accommodate his size.
“Are you all right?” It seemed he always had to ask her that question. With other girls, he wasn’t always so considerate, but he never wanted to hurt his Evan.
“You’re just so fucking big. Go slow,” Evangeline groaned, continuing to whimper as he finally came to a halt and filled her completely. Even though it was uncomfortable, it was the best kind of uncomfortable possible.
Alex took his time as he moved inside her, pulling out just a little before he slowly pushed back in with subtle, deft motions of his hips. As he pumped his hard dick inside of her, he wrapped a hand around her blonde hair and brought his mouth down on hers, swirling his tongue around hers and then sucking her tongue into his mouth.
Evan shifted her body, trying to facilitate deeper thrusts. He placed her hands at her hips, preventing her from accelerating her pleasure. “I thought you said ‘slow’?” he chuckled in her ear, loving the way he had gained an ounce of control in this situation.
“I did. Now I want it hard and fast.”
Pulling out fully and hoisting her off the counter, he turned and dropped Evan onto one of the massage tables. She grabbed onto the sides as Alex brought her ass to the very end of the table and then spread her legs apart as far as they would go. He slammed his cock into her and she screamed, but not in pain - she screamed because it felt so damn good.
As far as she was concerned, Evan was speaking in tongues; she was trying to encourage him and tell him just how much she was enjoying this, but her words came out instead, as incoherent syllables and loud sighs. But if she were speaking in another language, then Alex was fluent in it, too. He knew just how much pleasure she was deriving from their lewd, public act in the training room.
She pushed herself up, so she was resting on her elbows, gyrating her pelvis synchronously with his. Knowing she was reaching her peak, he tried to ride it out as her body began to tense around his. Her muscles were clamping down around his dick as she neared her climax, and he closed his eyes so he wouldn’t have to watch the way her body was moving. But that didn’t work, because he could still picture it in his mind’s eye, so he looked off to his right at the Pens poster on the wall, reading Passion, Work Ethic, Accountability. He focused on those words as Evangeline shrieked one last time and plunged off the cliff and lost herself in total oblivion, yelling and announcing repeatedly that she was coming.
When she came to and regained consciousness after her brush with the sublime, she decided to repay the favour. A smile broke out across her face as she leaned forward and pushed against his chest, forcing him away from her. Alex gave her a confused look, because it was obvious to the both of them that he hadn’t finished.
She slid off the table and dropped to her knees, looking into his eyes as she took him into his mouth. Rather, she took as much of Alex in her mouth as she could. She bobbed her head as her hand simultaneously ran along the length of his dick, gently squeezing, and not minding at all that she could taste her own wetness on him.
After a few more moments of allowing Evan to suck and lick at her own pace, he grabbed the back of her head and fucked her mouth until he groaned and spewed forth his pent-up frustration into her gaping mouth, and she swallowed it all.
Alex found a clean towel and wrapped it around himself as Evan dressed back into her clothes. When they had thrown caution to the wind and gone at it like rabbits, neither of them thought about the possible show his team-mates would be privy to, but he was sure that the guys would have all showered and left by now, so that the coast would be clear to avoid any possible embarrassment for Evangeline. He’d hear about it later, he knew, but he wanted to spare that for her.
However, when he cracked open the door, he was met by a roomful of cheeky smiles and raucous applause.
12 years ago